Nov 25, 1562
The begging of the War and the first war
The french wars of reiligoin, also known as French civil wars began in 1562 -
Nov 26, 1562
first war
this was the very first war that started it all. It was provoked by the massacure of Vassy -
Nov 25, 1567
Second war
Spanish troops marched up the spanish road and kingdoms started to panic -
Nov 26, 1568
thrid war
this war was about trying to fortify the southwest and stand off the crown. -
Nov 26, 1569
henry's death
Henry IV deid and his sona and other fought to take over, his sone edned up taking power at 15 -
Nov 26, 1572
fourth war
This war was casued when people started to rufuse paying taxes -
Nov 26, 1577
fifth war
Nov 26, 1577
sixth war
this was the same year as the fifth war -
Nov 26, 1580
7th war
this was the last war. The treaty of neric fixed it.