French Revoultion by Alyssia Flannery

  • Period: to

    King Louis XVI is crowned king

    Louis XVI he married Marie Antoinette, a match intended to consolidate an alliance between France and Austria. In 1774, Louis succeeded his grandfather Louis XV as king of France.
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    Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI got married

    Marie and Louis really didnt like each other in any type of way like they werent friends, allies, husband and wife, and they really despised each other. They got put together so Marie could have her son that she has to have.
  • Flour prices goes up

    Flour prices goes up
    The people were really raged when this happened becasue no one culd afford the new price of flour which is needed for bread. So they would starve because they increased prices while the king and queen throw out the leftovers from eating a fancy, huge three course meal.
  • Declaration of the rights of men

    Declaration of the rights of men
    This document was passed by France's National Assembly, which is a fundamental document of the French Revolution and in the history of human and civil rights.
  • Marie Antoinette's children taken away

    She had several kids with her original husband before she was forced to marry king Louis XVI. King Louis XVI and Marie had four children together and two of them died. Then when she left for protection and right before her execution her children got taken away from her and got put in danger.
  • France became a consitutional monarchy

    France became a consitutional monarchy
    The National Assembly, had resolved to draft a Constitution for France which would effectively limit the powers of the monarch. ... Therefore, Third Estate transformed France into a constitutional monarchy.
  • War with Austria

    War with Austria
    France declared war on Austria. The French armies lacked organization and discipline, and many noble officers had emigrated.
  • 27,000 people savaged attack the palace

    27,000 people savaged attack the palace
    They demanded for the king to leave but he wouldnt. So they went and attacked the palace many people got killed and the king and queen got away to saftey.
  • Marie Antoinette's execution

    Soon after her second husband Louis XVI execution; Marie Antoinette's had no reason to be their due to everyone hating her because she is from Austria and not france so they just went along with it and got executed.
  • Death of Louis XVI

    Death of Louis XVI
    The execution of Louis XVI, by means of the guillotine, took place at the Place de la Révolution. It was a major event of the Revolution, Louis XVI was convicted by a unanimous vote!
  • Jean Paul Marat Assianation

    Jean Paul Marat Assianation
    Jean was in his room working and because he was the one that inspired that someone really close to her for revenge Charlotte Corday later on snuck off alone and stabbed him in the chest then said she never saw it or knew it occured.
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    Reign of terror

    Also known as The Terror, was a period of violence where anyone in prision got brutillized then killed that occurred after the king died by excuetion, by a conflict between two rival political parties the Girondins and Jacobins,
  • Robeisphere gives his speech

    Robeisphere gives his speech
    Robeisphere gave his speech in Paris about the Reign of Terror, which he soon later got arrested for.
  • Marie and Louis went to paris

    They went to paris to visit some people and listen to the speeches and the peoples problems
  • Signing of the civil code

    The Napoleonic Code is the French civil code, It was drafted by a commission of four eminent jurists and entered into force.It was a major step in replacing the previous patchwork of feudal laws.
  • Emperor Napoleon's coronation

    The coronation of Napoleon as Emperor of the French took place at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. It marked "transparently masterminded piece of modern propaganda".
  • Exile to Elba

    Following the Treaty of Fontainebleau, French Emperor Napoleon I was exiled to Elba after his forced abdication. He has six people guarding him at all times.
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    Congress of Vienna

    was a conference of ambassadors of European states chaired by Austrian statesman Klemens von Metternich, and held in Vienna.
  • 100 days

    After Napoleon escapes Elba and takes over France again for 100 days.