French revolution

French Revolution Timeline Project

  • Louis XVI calls the Estates General

    Louis XVI calls the Estates General
    Louis XVI called the Estates General in 1789. It was a meeting where representatives from different social classes discussed important issues.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath happened on June 20, 1789. It was a big moment during the French Revolution when the Third Estate gathered in a tennis court and pledged to stay united until a new constitution was established. It showed their determination for change.
  • Parisians storming the Bastille

    Parisians storming the Bastille
    On July 14, 1789, the Parisians stormed the Bastille, which was a big fortress and prison in France. They were angry about the monarchy and wanted to show their opposition. The storming of the Bastille is seen as a symbol of the French Revolution and the fight for liberty and equality.
  • Writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Men

    Writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Men
    The Writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Man happened on August 26, 1789. It was a super important moment during the French Revolution when they wrote down the rights and freedoms that every french citizen should have. It was a big step towards equality and justice for all.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    The March on Versailles happened on October 5, 1789. It was a key event during the French Revolution where women marched to Versailles to demand bread and confront the king and queen. It had a big impact on the revolution.
  • Establishment of the New French Constitution

    Establishment of the New French Constitution
    The Establishment of the New French Constitution took place on September 3, 1791. It was a major milestone during the French Revolution when the National Assembly created a new constitution to establish a constitutional monarchy. This marked a significant change in the government system and the rights of the French citizens.
  • Execution of the King and Queen

    Execution of the King and Queen
    The execution of King Louis XVI on January 21, 1793, and Queen Marie Antoinette on October 16, 1793, were significant events during the French Revolution. These executions marked the end of the monarchy in France and symbolized the radical shift in power and the desire for change among the French people. It was a tragic and tumultuous time in French history.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    During the Reign of Terror, which lasted from September 5, 1793, to July 28, 1794, France experienced a period of extreme violence and political repression. It was a time of great fear and uncertainty, marked by widespread executions and the suppression of perceived enemies of the revolution. The Reign of Terror was a dark chapter in French history that left a lasting impact on the nation.
  • Napoleon Overthrows the Directory

    Napoleon Overthrows the Directory
    On November 9, 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte orchestrated the Coup of 18 Brumaire, overthrowing the Directory and seizing power in France. This event marked the end of the French Revolution and the beginning of a new era under Napoleon's leadership, ultimately leading to his ascent as the First Consul and later the Emperor of France.
  • Napoleon Builds an Empire

    Napoleon Builds an Empire
    On December 2, 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself Emperor of the French. This event marked the establishment of the Napoleonic Empire, where Napoleon wielded immense power and expanded French influence across Europe through military conquests. His reign as emperor brought significant political and social changes to France and had a profound impact on European history.
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    On June 24, 1812, the Grande Armée, led by French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, crossed the Neman River, invading Russia from present-day Poland. The result was a disaster for the French. The Russian army refused to engage with Napoleon's Grande Armée of more than 500,000 European troops.
  • 6th Coalition Occupies Paris

    6th Coalition Occupies Paris
    With their armies reorganized, the allies drove Napoleon out of Germany in 1813 and invaded France in 1814. The Allies defeated the remaining French armies, occupied Paris, and forced Napoleon to abdicate and go into exile.
  • Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo
    The Allies suffered 22,000 casualties. Napoleon was defeated. He spoke of fighting on, but was forced to abdicate when the Allies entered Paris on 7 July. He spent the rest of his life in exile on the island of St Helena in the South Atlantic.
  • The Congress of Vienna Meets

    The Congress of Vienna Meets
    The Congress of Vienna was a meeting of European nations that set out a strategy to maintain peace and stability throughout the continent. It gathered in 1814 following the first defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France and namesake of the Napoleonic Wars.