Tennis Court Oath
They voted to establish the National Assembly. This would effect proclaiming the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of representative government. Days later, the Third Estate delegates broke down a door to an indoor tennis court, this will stay until they had drawn up a new constitution. The Tennis Court Oath is important because it was the first deliberate act of revolution. -
Making commoners, nobles, and clergy equal.
The noblemen made speeches that declared their love of liberty and equality. These actions were motivated more by fear than by idealism. In this, they joined other members of the National Assembly in sweeping away the feudal privileges of the First and Second Estates, thus making commoners equal to the nobles and the clergy. This event is important because now the Estates were set equal and the power is now balanced. -
Bastille Day
An angry mob in search of gunpowder and arms went to the Bastille, a Paris prison. This mob overwhelmed the security guard and gained control of the Bastille. The mob attacked the prison commander and many other guards to death. After, they paraded around the streets with the dead men’s heads on pikes. This event is significant because it showed their independence/strength and has been a national holiday for the French ever since. -
Legislative Assembly
The National Assembly completed the new constitution. The new constitution had created a limited constitutional monarchy. This took away the king much of his authority. It made a new legislative body called the Legislative Assembly. This event this important because the power in the body can create laws and to approve or reject declarations of war. -
Napoleon rises to power
The young officer, Napoleon, was offered a life changing opportunity. The government official told Napoleon to protect the delegates. He and his gunners meet the thousands of royalists with a cannonade and the attackers fled in panic and confusion. After this event Napoleon Bonaparte was a hero in the peoples eyes, now with this popularity, it might go to his head. -
Napoleon receives real power
Napoleon was dressed in a robe of purple velvet ready to receive his new crown. He walked down the aisle of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. As many watched, Napoleon took the crown from the pope and placed it on his own head. By doing this, Napoleon showed he was more powerful than the Church. I think this event is important because Napoleon has real power and could do whatever he wants. -
The Louisiana Purchase
Napoleon decided to sell the property he owned in the Americas. Napoleon wanted to sell all of the territory to the United States. In 1803, President Jefferson’s administration agreed to purchase the land for $15 million. This event is important because Napoleon would benefit to the sale, now the country can be out of debt. -
Continental System
Napoleon set up a blockade to stop trade and communication between Great Britain and several other European nations. He called the policy the Continental System. This system was supposed to make continental Europe more self-sufficient. I think the event is important because Napoleon tried to destroy Great Britain’s commercial and industrial economy. -
Napoleon's second big mistake
Napoleon tried to get Portugal to accept the Continental System. He then sent an invasion force to Spain. The Spanish people protested this action. Then Napoleon removed the Spanish king and put his own brother on the throne. I think is event is important because it outraged the Spanish people and changed their feels nationally. -
Scorched-earth policy
Napoleon and his Grand Army marched into Russia. When Napoleon was advancing, Alexander pulled back his troops. He refused to be lured into an unequal battle. When they were retreating, the Russians practiced a scorched-earth policy. This means to burn grain fields and slaughtering livestock so as to leave nothing for the enemy to eat. I think this is important because it represents that Russia wants a fair battle and they want to show their dominance.