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French Revolution Timeline

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    Maximilien Robespierre was a French lawyer and influential politician that encouraged execution during the French revolution and Reign of Terror.
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    The French Revolution

    The French revolution was a time of changing political an social views. It was the upheaval of France that was partially led forward by Napoleon during the later expansion of the French Empire.
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    Reign of Terror Begins
    The Reign of Terror began when the overthrowing of the Girondins and the ascendancy of the Jacobins under Robespierre
  • The Reign of Terror ends

    The Reign of Terror ends
    The Reign of Terror ended with a coup in the National Convention, when Robespierre and leading Jacobins were arrested and executed
  • Napoleon becomes Emperor of France

    Napoleon becomes Emperor of France
    Napoleon was a French statesman and military leader and he rose to power after several successful military campaigns; he became emperor and established the Directory for 10 years.
  • Napoleon's 1st Exile

    Napoleon's 1st Exile
    The Allies invaded France, captured France, and forced Napoleon to abdicate. When was exile to Elba off of the coast of Tuscany. A year later he escapes and briefly takes power again.
  • Napoleon's 2nd Exile

    Napoleon's 2nd Exile
    He escaped to France from the island of Elba, he raised a new Grand Army. He was defeated by an allied force on June 18, 1815. Again, he was exiled to the island of Saint Helena off the coast of Africa.
  • The Hundred Days Begins

    The Hundred Days Begins
    The Hundred days is when Napoleon returns from his exile from the Island of Elba to Paris.
  • The Hundred Days Ends

    The Hundred Days Ends
    Again, Napoleon was abdicated which led to his exile to St. Helena, and King Louis XVIII restores his power as king.
  • Napoleon dies in Exile at St. Helena

    Napoleon dies in Exile at St. Helena
    After Napoleon was conquered at the Battle of Waterloo he was again exiled and on St. Helena he dies of a stomach ulcer after 6 years of exile at the age of 51.