French Revolution Timeline- Brayden McKinney, and Logan Mickel

  • The publication of the Leviathan by Hobbes

    Hobbes argues that the government is becoming more corrupt, and if they do not get it under control, the government could collapse.
  • Imprisonment of Voltaire

    Voltaire was imprisoned for writing a poem demonstrating the weaknesses of the government.
  • Louis XVI is crowned

    King Louis XVI was crowned as king with ideas and new ways of governing.
  • Napoleon's early career

    Napoleon attended a military academy named Ecole Militaire. This was a French military academy that taught Napoleon more advanced tactics and strategies for war. At the age of 16, Napoleon graduated from the Ecole Miliaire and became a Second Lieutenant in the Army for artillery.
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon lived in Ajaccio in his early career, attending school in France, and military academy in 1785.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    This is a human rights document from the French Revolution. It was drafted by Abbé Sieyès and the Marquis de Lafayette
  • Tennis Court Oath

    On 20 June, 1789 the Tennis Court Oath was signed by the French Third Estate, vowing "Not to separate and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the constitution of the kingdom is established."
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille was a violent attack on Bastille and the French government by the people, this was the official start of the French Revolution.
  • Women’s March on Versailles

    The women's march on Versailles was one of the earliest forms of protesting, the women marched to protest their rights.
  • The first Constitution of France

    The first constitution was written after the monarchy collapsed, and established the rights of men in France.
  • The murder of Marat

    Marat was a French political theorist, physician, and scientist. He was a politician in the French Revolution. He was killed in his bath tub by Charlotte Corday
  • Period: to

    The Terror

    This was a period of time during the French Revolution where many massacres and public executions occurred.
  • Execution of Danton

    Danton was charged with treason after changing his views on the great terror, this ended up getting him executed.
  • Napoleon Crowned as Emperor

    While Napoleon was Emperor he conquered most of Europe in the 19th century. He took over Spain, Egypt, Syria, and many other countries to go with them.
  • Napoleon's Power

    Napoleon was a very successful military leader, this led to more people liking him and eventually a following. While in power he shifted his views from wanting a new government to wanting all the power himself. This caused him to essentially bring back the monarchy he worked to destroy.
  • Napoleon's Death

    After Napoleon was exiled, he ended up on a remote island in the south Atlantic ocean. Here he died from suspected stomach cancer.
  • Napoleon later life

    Napoleon lost his power against Britain in the Battle of Waterloo. His troops defeated the Prussians, but then were crushed by the British