Tennis Court Oath
The Tennis Court Oath was an oath that the Third Estate (the lower class) took to force a new constitution upon the king. The Third Estate went by The National Assembly. This Oath was taken after they went to the chamber was locked and guarded by soldiers. -
Storming of the Bastilles
The Storming of Bastille occurred when a state prison on the eastern side of Paris was attacked by a mob. After the prison had been taken over the governor was killed and they paraded his head around on a spike. This event marked the beginning of the French Revolution. This is still celebrated in France every year by a national holiday. -
New constitution is signed by Louis XVI
After the Third estate declared themselves The National Assembly and took the Tennis Court Oath issues occurred. A new constitution was demanded and at first the king had no intentions of signing a new constitution. But things changed and a new constitution was wrote and signed. -
September Massacres
The September Massacres was when thousands of political prisoners were killed before the royalist troops could free them. They were killed because there was fear that the inmates would join the foreign and royalist armies when they were freed. -
The Committee of Public Safety
This committee was created in 1793 by the National Convention. And was then restructured in July 1793. Its "role" was to protect the new republic from attacks and rebellion. -
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The Reign of Terror
This was a time of awful and unnecessary violence in France. This time period is where the guillotine was most used. Between June 1793 and July 1794 there were 16,594 death sentences.The reign of terror did not end until Robespierre attempted to kill himself and was then executed. -
The death of Robespierre
After Robespierre went crazy the National Assembly decided to put him on the Guillotine. He attempted to shoot himself but shattered his jaw staying alive. He was then executed by the Guillotine afterwards. -
The Reign of Terror
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Napoleonic Wars
This was a series of conflicts with the French empire and its allies. These wars happened do to the unresolved issues with the Revolutionary wars and the French Revolution.