French Revolution Project

  • Estate General Called

    Estate General Called
    At the time France was involved in the Seven Years War and American War of Independence, this involvement put them in serious financial debt. This forced them to call the Estates General, Estates General have not been called in the last 175 years. The Estates General meeting consists of 3 estates, the clergy, nobility, and the commoners. This event was the start of the French Revolution.
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    During the Estates General meeting, the voting and decision making were in favor for the 1st and 2nd estates because they would side with one another. Which made it unfair for the 3rd estate. This resulted in millions of commoners irritated and refusing to vote. It made the 3rd estate realize that the monarch is completely ignorant and selfish, and just uses them. It resulted in the creation of the National Assembly. With Middle and lower classes that rebel for a constitutional monarch.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The oath for the National Assembly was to never disband until the absolute monarch turned into a constitutional monarch. This event was pretty much what set off the French Revolution
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    This is the moment the people from the 3rd estate used brute force, they decided to storm into a fortress filled with prisoners and weapons. They managed to overpower them and take control. The 3rd estate freed prisoners and got better weapons, it made their manpower a lot stronger.
  • Women’s March on Versailles

    Women’s March on Versailles
    It was a large group of women rioting in the marketplace because of the high price and shortage of bread. The event was a turning point in the revolution because their march forced the King and Queen back to Paris.
  • Constitutional Monarchy Formed

    Constitutional Monarchy Formed
    After successful rebelling against the King, they were able to make the absolute monarch into a constitutional march. Which is a monarch that still has the title of monarch, but their power in the country has been limited.
  • France a Republic

    France a Republic
    During this there were two groups that debated what happened to the King, a group called Girondins and the other Jacobins. The Girondins wanted the King to stay as a constitutional monarch and the Jacobins wanted the King to die. Moments later, they find out the King is guilty of treason, so they decide to execute him. In order for the new constitution to work with the monarch gone, they establish the French Republic.
  • King Louis XVI Beheaded

    King Louis XVI Beheaded
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    Reign of Terror Begins
  • Marie Antoinette Beheaded

    Marie Antoinette Beheaded
  • Reign of Terror Ends

    Reign of Terror Ends