• Oath of Jeu Peume

    Oath of Jeu Peume
    The representatives of the third estate meet in the covered pediment that was used to play ball and solemnly swear not to separate until they are endowed with France from a constitution
  • Storm of The Bastille

    Storm of The Bastille
    The dismissal of Jacques Necker provoke the armed uprising of the Parisians. Its governor, De Launay, opens fire on the attackers, causing a hundred deaths, but is forced to capitulate and is assassinated on the spot. The rebels take over the capital. Three days later, Louis XVI recognized the new order escorted by the Marquis de Lafayette.
  • Flight of the King aborted at Varennes

    Flight of the King aborted at Varennes
    The king, queen and their children are prisioners and also flee in disguise, according to a plan drawn up by the Swedish diplomat Fersen, in love with Marie Antoinette. After a day's journey north, they are discovered and detained in the town of Varennes, and from there they are returned to Paris.
  • France declares THE WAR to Austria

    France declares THE WAR to Austria
    Louis XVI, the person who secretly seeks the defeat of his armies, the Assembly declares war "on the King of Hungary and Bohemia," to give the impression that it is not doing so against the Austrian people. Only Robespierre and a minority of deputies from the left are opposed.
  • Robespierre enters in public health committee

    Robespierre enters in public health committee
    The incorporation of Robespierre, replacing a lower-ranking deputy, culminates the arrival of the Jacobins to power and marks the beginning of the Terror.
  • Thermidor coup

     Thermidor coup
    In the Convention an alliance is forged between the Jacobin sector that feels threatened by Robespierre and the deputies of the Plain. Robespierre's voice is silenced when he attempts to make a speech, and he and his top aides are arrested. After an unsuccessful attempt to resist in the Town Hal, the Incorruptible is guillotined, along with his brother.
  • Napoleon encroaches Italy

    Napoleon encroaches Italy
    Napoleon invades Italy, crosses the Gran San Bernardo port and occupies Milan. He wins the Battle of Marengo and drives the Austrians out of Italy.
  • Proclamation of Napoleon as Emperor of France

    Proclamation of Napoleon as Emperor of France
    Napoleon is crowned Emperor of the French at Notre Dame by Pope Pius VII.
  • Trafalgar`s battle

    Trafalgar`s battle
    The Battle of Trafalgar is fought near Cádiz.
    Austria and Russia join forces with England.
  • SPAIN`S 1st victory

    SPAIN`S 1st victory
    In Spain the resistance against French domination begins.
    Spain has its first victory against the French through the Battle of Bailén.
  • Napoleon prepares the invasion of Russia

    Napoleon prepares the invasion of Russia
    Napoleón Bonaparte, prepara la invasión de Rusia con
    600,000 soldados, número bastante grande si se toma en cuenta que Francia estaba exhausta ya que más de un millón setecientos mil soldados franceses habían muerto entre 1804 y 1811.
  • The Napoleon`s deterioration starts

    The Napoleon`s deterioration starts
    Napoleon is defeated in the Battle of Leipzig, Germany, by the Allied forces.
  • Napoleon abdicates the throne and is banished.

    Napoleon abdicates the throne and is banished.
    Napoleon abdicates the throne and is banished to the island of Elba, the restoration of Louis XVIII occurs.
  • Waterloo Battle & Napoleon gets cruelty humillated

    Waterloo Battle & Napoleon gets cruelty humillated
    Napoleon exiled from the island of Elba tries to organize the French army and open new paths, when he leaves the island and disembarks in Cannes the army places himself at his command.
    It promises to abide by all the treaties, but England mistrusts it.
    He avanced on Belgium and in June of that year he gets cruelty humillated against the English in the famous battle of Waterloo. Sick, he loses the battle; return to Paris and abdicate.