French Revolution

  • Writing of the declaration of the rights of men

    Writing of the declaration of the rights of men
    it sets out the “natural and inalienable” rights, which are freedom, ownership, security, resistance to oppression; it recognizes equality before the law and the justice system, and affirms the principle of separation of powers. an expression of universal human rights, those rights that are true at all times and in all places, that served as one of the foundational documents of the French Revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The famous oath was “We swear never to separate and to meet wherever circumstances require until the kingdom's Constitution is established and grounded on solid foundations.” They took the oath to limit the powers of the Monarch by creating Constitution for France that would limit the powers of the Monarch.
  • Parisians storming the Bastille

    Parisians storming the Bastille
    hundreds of Parisians stormed the Bastille, a state prison, seizing 250 barrels of gunpowder and freeing its prisoners. The storming of the Bastille was a pivotal moment in the French Revolution.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    March on Versailles was a riot that took place during this first stage of the French Revolution. It was organized by women in the marketplaces of Paris. They complained over the high price and scant availability of bread, marching from Paris to Versailles.
  • execution of the king and queen

    execution of the king and queen
    One day after being convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers and sentenced to death by the French National Convention, King Louis XVI is executed by guillotine in the Place de la Revolution in Paris.Although outwardly accepting the revolution, Louis resisted the advice of constitutional monarchists who sought to reform the monarchy in order to save it; he also permitted the reactionary plotting of his unpopular queen, Marie Antoinette.
  • reign of terror

    reign of terror
    a period of violence during the French Revolution incited by conflict between two rival political factions, the Girondins and the Jacobins. at least 300,000 suspects were arrested; 17,000 were officially executed, and perhaps 10,000 died in prison or without trial.
  • establishment of the new french constitution

    establishment of the new french constitution
    It retained the monarchy, but sovereignty effectively resided in the Legislative Assembly, which was elected by a system of indirect voting.established a liberal republic with a franchise based on the payment of taxes
  • king louis xvii

    king louis xvii
    an absolute monarch and a strong, centralised state. Coming to the throne at a tender age, tutored by Cardinal Mazarin, the Sun King embodied the principles of absolutism.
  • napolean builds an empire

    napolean builds an empire
    Napoleon built his empire through conquest of territories belonging to his enemies. Napoleon gained success during the French Revolutionary Wars by defending France and effectively defeating the Coalition armies from 1792-1802. Napoleon became the First Consul in France by 1800 and led the French Empire into a new, and powerful, era.
  • napolean overthrows the directory

    napolean overthrows the directory
    overthrew the system of government under the Directory in France and substituted the Consulate, making way for the despotism of Napoleon Bonaparte. The Directory was replaced with a three-member Consulate, and 5'7" Napoleon became first consul, making him France's leading political figure.
  • napolean invades russia

    napolean invades russia
    The invasion of Russia effectively halted Napoleon's march across Europe, and resulted in his first exile, to the Mediterranean island of Elba. terrible and damaging event. Napoleon's Russian campaign was well planned and supplied.
  • the congress of vienna

    the congress of vienna
    set out a strategy to maintain peace and stability throughout the continent. It gathered in 1814 following the first defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France and namesake of the Napoleonic Wars.the European conference held at Vienna from 1814–15 to settle the territorial problems left by the Napoleonic Wars.
  • 6th coalition occupies paris

    6th coalition occupies paris
    The Allies defeated the remaining French armies, occupied Paris, and forced Napoleon to abdicate and go into exile. defeated the First French Empire and drove Napoleon into exile on the island of Elba.
  • napolean defeated at waterloo

    napolean defeated at waterloo
    it concluded a war that had raged for 23 years, ended French attempts to dominate Europe, and destroyed Napoleon's imperial power forever.There is considerable indication that Napoleon was bothered by very painful thrombosed hemorrhoids.
  • Louis XVI calls the estate general

    Louis XVI calls the estate general
    The political and financial situation in France had grown rather bleak, forcing Louis XVI to summon the Estates General.The assembly was composed of three estates, the clergy, nobility and commoners, who had the power to decide on the levying of new taxes and to undertake reforms in the country.