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French Revolution

  • ✅Italian Campaign

    ✅Italian Campaign
    The Italian campaigns of the French Revolutionary War were a series of Fights fought between the French Army and Austria and Russia, from 1796-1801. It was a success because the French overcame steep odds to win one of the most significant victories in history.
  • 🟡Egyptian Campaign

    🟡Egyptian Campaign
    A French Campaign from 1798-1801 said to defend French trade interests in the region. This was successful because it received legendary status. It was also unsuccessful as the French military campaign was a huge fail.
  • ✅Consulate

    The consulate was successful because it was the top-level Government of France from November 10th 1799 until the start of the Napoleonic Empire on May 18th 1804.
  • ✅Banque de France

    ✅Banque de France
    The Banque de France is a bank that was used to help economic recovery. It was successful because it gave France a stable currency.
  • ✅Concordat of 1801

    ✅Concordat of 1801
    The Concordat of 1801 between Napoleon and representatives in both Rome and Paris was a success because it defined the Roman Catholic Church in France.
  • ✅Consul for life

    ✅Consul for life
    The consul for life declared Napoleon the only ruler of France. It was a success because Napoleon helped the French educational system, developed the Napoleonic Code, and negotiated the Concordat of 1801.
  • 🟡Napoleonic code

    🟡Napoleonic code
    The Napoleonic Code helped with liberty and equality. It was successful because nations throughout Europe and the world adopted it to varying degrees. The problem was it reintroduced slavery.
  • ✅Declared self emperor

    ✅Declared self emperor
    Napoleon was crowned as the emperor in 1804 because he considered himself as a modernist of Europe. This was a success because Napoleon expanded his empire.
  • ❌Battle of Trafalgar

    ❌Battle of Trafalgar
    The battle was fought between the British Navy and the combined fleets of France and Spain. It was unsuccessful because it shattered Napoleon's plans to invade England.
  • ✅Abolished the Holy Roman Empire

    ✅Abolished the Holy Roman Empire
    To definitively destroy the Holy Roman Empire, Napoleon grouped together independent states and forced the emperor to step down from his position. It was a success because it gave Napoleon more power.
  • ❌Continental System

    ❌Continental System
    The Continental system was meant to prohibit all trade with Britain. This was a failure because it was impossible and Napoleon could not pursue the European countries to stop trades with England.
  • ❌Resistance in Spain

    ❌Resistance in Spain
    The Spanish rose up against the French, Napoleon ordered his men to quickly bring peace with Spain, but thousands of his troops had surrendered. This was unsuccessful because it lead to many deaths for the French.
  • ❌Invasion of Russia

    ❌Invasion of Russia
    Napoleon wanted to force Russia into the British. This was unsuccessful and lead to Russian victory. Napoleon lost many of French soldiers.
  • ❌Battle of Nations at Leipzig

    ❌Battle of Nations at Leipzig
    Napoleon fought the Coalation armies of Russia, Austria, and Sweden. It was a fail because the French had lost and Napoleon was forced back to France.
  • 🟡Hundred days

    🟡Hundred days
    The Hundred days was the seventh coalition. It was a success because Napoleon returned safely to Paris but it led to the Battle of Waterloo.
  • ❌Waterloo

    Waterloo was a battle between Napoleon's French Army and a coalition led by the Duke of Wellington. It ended French attempts to dominate Europe, and destroyed Napoleon's power forever.
  • ❌Abdication

    Napoleon resigned on June 22nd, 1815. This was a fail because he had lost all of his power and later ended up dying in 1821 from stomach cancer.