Estates General Meeting
The Estates General meeting was called in by the king, as there were fixes to be made, like the higher seats wanting increased taxes for lower class. However, members of the 3rd estate complained about their many problems in this meeting, but were kicked out. -
National Assembly Formed
The national assembly was the name that the third estate had given themselves, instead of the 3rd estate, as they had wanted change in the system. -
Tennis Court Oath declared
When the third estate were kicked out of the estates general meeting, they went to the nearest open space, an old fashioned tennis court. In there, they declared that they would not stop meeting until the estates system has been changed. -
Storming the Bastille
The French people, angry at the government for not feeding them, as well as many other problems, storm the french bastille in revolt. During this, they kill the governor of the city, as well as destroying the bastille -
Declaration of Rights of man created
The declaration of Rights of man was written during the french revolution, and demands for an end to tyranny, as well as rights for all -
Legislative Assembly makes laws in France
From 1971-1972, the legislative assembly was created, in which different branches of people, who are seated depending on how much they support monarchy. -
Execution of King Louis XVI
As the revolution had become more radical, the people began to fight back against the government. One day, when the king tried to escape France, he was found and the people had no longer trusted him, so they executed him -
Committee of Public Safety governs France
After the people had revolted and had removed the monarchy from france, the committee of public safety, led by Robespierre, and they were the government during the rein of terror -
During the rein of terror, there was a lot of dechristianization in France, as people did not want the church to have power in France -
The Reign of terror
This was a period of mass executions, and when the revolution was at its most radical point. During this time, many were executed by guillotines, and those who weren't even interested, were also murdered -
Execution of Maximilien Robespierre
Robespierre, who was the head of the rein of terror, had become too power hungry, and attempted to become a godlike figure. The people were upset of this, as this went against what they were fighting to get rid of, so to end the rein of terror, they killed Robespierre -
The Directory controls France
After Robespierre had been executed, France was in a very poor place as they did not have any form of government. To make sure that furnace can be in a good place before a new government takes control, the directory was created -
Napoleon takes over in a coup d’etat
Napoleon leads an army of his own, and overthrows the directory. however, the french people approve of Napoleon. -
Napoleon signs Concordat with Catholic Church
Napoleon signs Concordat with the catholic church, which allows some of christianity to return to france after the rein of terror -
Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France
After a little while of Napoleon's dictatorship, he pronounces himself as emperor of France. This did go against revolutionary ideas, but this did not create a big outcry -
Napoleon creates the Napoleonic Code
These were new laws stint place by Napoleon when he became emperor -
Napoleon dies after he is banished to island of St. Helena
Due to many poor decisions of Napoleon, and him being an emperor of France, Napoleon had been banished to St. Helena, where he died in 1821