French Revolution Connected to Mozart Timeline

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    Severe Weather and Tax Increases

    MM. 8-24 This is the first "stray away" from the main theme. There is a "question and answer" style playing, which represents how the bourgeoisie brought back information about other nations when they return from their business trips; this spread fast, as the third estate would gossip in cafes and salons. This gossip, as well as the tax increases and severe weather left the citizens very frustrated with the monarchs.
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    Life Pre-Revolution

    MM. 1-8 This is the "main theme" of this song, and represents the power of the first and second estate and how they were constantly in control of the third estate's lives. The theme is heard throughout the song, which represents how the monarchs are usually trying to gain power back. This section also sounds quite cheerful, which represents the time before civil unrest where the French monarchs are very established and there was no reason to question their authority and power.
  • Meeting of Estates-General

    MM. 8-24 While there was the severe weather and economic turmoil, the monarch called for the meeting of estates-general. In measures 8-24, the question and answer style also represents the third estate bringing up their needs, and being ignored by the first and second estate. In this case, the piano (soft) replies are the third estate, while the forte (loud) is the first and second estates. The third estate's needs were not met, and with the weather and taxes, this led to Storming of Bastille
  • Creation of the National Assembly

    Following the Meeting of the Estates-General, the third Estate came together to form the National Assembly; their goal was to make everything more equal among the different estates. The National Assembly wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man (DOTROM), which accomplished their main objective above.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    MM. 25-56 This section is played with forte (meaning loud), and represents the Storming of the Bastille; in the piece, this section is powerful and shows the grit and determination of the National Assembly. It is the spark that marks the beginning of the French Revolution, and is considered a huge win for the National Assembly when they successfully stormed the Bastille; now, Bastille Day is a symbol that is celebrated as a legacy.
  • DOTROM Finalized

  • France declared as a Republic

    MM 57-88 This section begins with the same victorious tune from the Storming of the Bastille, and ends with the main theme of this song. This time, the main theme represents the National Assembly’s new influence and voice in the Republic. Although the aftermath of the monarch's execution (the reign of terror) was not great, the citizens did achieve their goal in removing the monarchs and eventually being a republic.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI and Marie Antionette

    MM. 89-128 This ending of the song sounds victorious, as it has a lot of forte and the overall tune is upbeat. Specifically in measures 89-98, there is an additional bottom note along side the main theme. This is symbolic of the third estate finally having a proper say in France's decisions, which is started with the execution of the monarch. Many saw the execution as necessary in order to start a new era for France, so the end of this song represents new beginnings.
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    Reign of Terror

    Following the execution of King Louis XVI and Marie Antionette, there was about 11 months where anyone who even slightly expressed opposition to the state. 17,000 people were executed by guillotine. I did not include any measures in this event, as I feel the piece ends better on a "better note" with the execution of the monarchy.
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    After the Reign of Terror and the government was unstable, Napoleon became the leader of France in 1799 and eventually crowned himself as Emperor in 1804. After taking over most of Europe, he was defeated in Waterloo and died in exile. Again I did not include any measures in this event, as I feel these events would've taken place "after the piece ended".