French Revolution

  • King Louis XVlll Begins His Reign

    King Louis XVlll Begins His Reign
    He became king with the Bourbon Restoration of the monarchy after the overthrow of Napoleon I
  • Louis XVI calls the estate general

    Louis XVI calls the estate general
    This assembly was composed of three estates the clergy, nobility and commoners who had the power to decide on the levying of new taxes and to undertake reforms in the country.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    They swore not to stop meeting until France had a constitution.
  • Parisians storming the Bastille

    Parisians storming the Bastille
    An angry mob of French citizens and rebellious soldiers attack the Bastille.
  • Writing of the Declaration of The Rights of Men

    Writing of the Declaration of The Rights of Men
    A document that recognizes the rights of men.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    Because of the high price and scarcity of bread the people in the market place attacked.
  • Establishment of the New French Constitution

    Establishment of the New French Constitution
    Redefining the organization of the French government, citizenship, and the limits to the powers of government, the National Assembly set out to represent the interests of the public.
  • Execution of the King and Queen

    Execution of the King and Queen
    People were mad about the high prices and scarcity of bread they decided to kill them.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    A time of sanctioned violence with many mass killings.
  • Napoleon overthrows the directory

    Napoleon overthrows the directory
    Napoleon overthrew the system of government under the Directory in France and substituted the Consulate, making way for the despotism of Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Napoleon Builds an Empire

    Napoleon Builds an Empire
    Napoleon defeated many different empires taking control of them to make his bigger.
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia
    Napoleon crossed the Neman river where he was able to invade Russia from modern day Poland
  • The Congress of Vienna Meets

    The Congress of Vienna Meets
    This was the first meeting of the congress in a very long time where they talked about issues in the country.
  • 6th Coalition Occupies Paris

    6th Coalition Occupies Paris
    The coalition had states that were anti French that fought against Napoleon and forcing him into exile.
  • Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo
    It ended a war that lasted 23 years defeated France and Napoleon's power forever.