French revolution

French Revolution

  • Palace of Versailles Built

    Built the palace of Versailles to control nobility. This also displayed his wealth and power.
  • When King Louis moved the capital of France from Paris to Versailles

    When King Louis moved the capital of France from Paris to Versailles
    When Louis was 5 a revolt happened in Paris. He wanted to escape the turmoil in Paris.
  • When King Louis XVI married Marie Antoinette

    When King Louis XVI married Marie Antoinette
    Made France and Austria allies. They wanted to strengthen the relationship between Austria and France.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The French Revolution was when they disbanded the Ancien Regime in favor of a constitutional monarchy. It was a period of major social upheaval.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was a oath that members of the third estate. They swore to never stop meeting until the Constitution of the kingdom was restored.
  • When the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was written

    When the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was written
    The declaration defined individual and collective rights. The American Revolution had some influence on this.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    The women from the marketplaces thought that bread prices and scarcity was to high. This made the royals in Versailles to move back to Paris
  • King Louis XVI is executed

    King Louis XVI is executed
    He was found guilty and sentenced to death. King Louis had not addressed Frances economic issues so, they executed him.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    When the French Revolution took a bloody turn and they started to have public executions. The revolution arrested and executed anyone who was thought to not be loyal to the revolution.
  • Napoleon Launches a Coup d'Etat on the weak and corrupt directory

    Napoleon Launches a Coup d'Etat on the weak and corrupt directory
    He wanted to become more powerful then everyone else. Napoleon had a coup within a coup and
  • Period: to

    Napoleon as Emperor

    Napoleon was a military commander who crowned himself Emperor. He wanted to rule the world but, he fought to many enemies at once.
  • Creation of Napoleonic Code

    Creation of Napoleonic Code
    The Napoleonic code codified several branches of law. The code made the authority of men stronger over their families.
  • Napoleon Crowns Himself Emperor

    Napoleon Crowns Himself Emperor
    Napoleon wanted to show that he will not submit to anyone or anything besides himself. This helped his allies be more at ease and his enemies in France wouldn't rise against him.
  • Defeat in Russian Campaign

    Defeat in Russian Campaign
    The desperate Russians attempted a scorched earth technique where they burned the crops and houses along the way. The winter came before they were able to get out of Russia.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    Napoleon had assembled an army and planned to attack the coalitions forces. Napoleon was defeated but, his image lived on.