French Revolution

  • The publication of the Leviathan by Hobbes

    The publication of the Leviathan by Hobbes
    Argues Social contract during English Civil War for an absolute leader. War can be avoided by a strong/good government.
  • The publication of the Social Contract by Rousseau

    The publication of the Social Contract by Rousseau
    Laws are good when they are supported by the people. Man is born free, but he is everywhere in chans' challenged the traditional order of society.
  • Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are married

    Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are married
    They got married at 14 and 15. They had never met eachother befre then. Louis= France Marie=Austria
  • Napoleon Life

    Napoleon Life
    Born poor. Born on an Italian Island, which became a French territory.
  • Louis XVI is crowned

    Louis XVI is crowned
    He was crowned at Reims Cathedral. He took the place of his grandfather King Louis the 15th.
  • Napoleon early career

    Napoleon early career
    His dad supported the rebel group. Later on joined France's side.
  • Napoleon early career

    Napoleon early career
    Attended school in mainland France. When he left Military Academy he became an Officer of Artillary
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Got locked out of the National Convention meeting. Met at a tennis court to voice their problems.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    eople feared retaliation from the king. Needed weapons to defend themselves.
  • Wome's March on Versailles

    Wome's March on Versailles
    Women stormed the castle. Demanded that King Louis and Marie move back to Paris.
  • The first Constitution of France

    The first Constitution of France
    First written constution of France. It was written after the fall of the monarchy.
  • Execution of King Louis VI

    Execution of King Louis VI
    Died to the guillotine. He was excecuted for treason.
  • The formation of the Committee of Public Safety

    The formation of the Committee of Public Safety
    Created by National Convention. Was the form of government during the Geign of Terror
  • The massacre in Lyon

    The massacre in Lyon
    Revolt of moderates against radicals. It was against the third government of the Revolution.
  • Napoleon Emperor

    Napoleon Emperor
    Named himself he was emperor for life. Dominated Europe.
  • Napoleon Emperor

    Napoleon Emperor
    Lost a battle in Egypt. He then went and lost in Battle of Waterloo to Anglo and Duke Wellington.
  • Napoleon death

    Napoleon death
    Died to Cancer of the stomach. Lace of death was at the Longwood house.