French Revolution and Napoleon

  • First and Second Estates join the Third Estate in the newly formed National Assembly

    After seeing the formation of the new national assembly and the support the people had for it, some of first and second estates wanted to join this new assembly as they did not want to be destroyed by the revolution. The first and second estates made several concessions in leaving their feudal rights and tithes.
  • King Louis XVI calls the Estates General

    King Louis XVI calls the Estates General
    Following Frances ongoing financial problems, King Louis XVI called the estates general to discuss solutions. The three estates gathered to discuss solutions however, the commoners(third estate) were completely snubbed in this by the first and second estate with suggestions for new taxes being imposed on them. This eventually led to the third estate storming out of the estates general to form their own group, the national assembly.
  • The storming of the Bastille

    The storming of the Bastille
    This was a result of a rumor that spread throughout the peasantry of a "aristocratic conspiracy" by the king and the privileged to overthrow the third estate leading to the Great Fear of 1789.Eventually tension boiled over and a crowd stormed and took over the Bastille from crown control.
  • The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    This came as the first official political statement of the newly formed national assembly that formed from the third estate. This statement put in place the ideals of this revolution that the third estate were no longer going to allow the nobility and clergy to push them around with feudal like privileges.
  • The Constitution of 1791 sets up a constitutional monarchy in France

    This government was set up after a a lot of revolutionary upheaval in the country wrote up a constitution to form a proper government now that the national assembly had attained control over the nation and facilitated the transfer of lands and removal of feudal rights of the nobility and clergy. This set up a constitutional monarchy with a legislative body that was elected to create laws.
  • The Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria

    Following the removal of feudal rights from the nobility and clergy many of these previously powerful members of society emigrated from France into other nearby nations. These emigres sought help from other nations to attack France. These increasing tensions along with the revolutionary desires of the government lead to them declaring war on Austria. France supported the right of self-determination for all people.
  • The Directory is installed

    The Directory is installed
    This new government was set up after the end of the reign of terror where the executive government had power extremely centralized in them. This new form of government had a fairly weak executive branch as to oppose the events that lead to the reign of terror. This weak government would eventually yield to Napoleon's stronger and more disciplined form of governance.
  • Napoleon's coup d'etat, overthrowing the Directory

    Napoleon's coup d'etat, overthrowing the Directory
    Prior to Napoleon's coup d'etat there was a previous coup that occurred that same year which saw the moderates expelled from the Directory and replaced with Jacobins. One of the new Directors believed that only a military dictatorship could lead France to stability during this warlike period, he selected Napoleon for the job. Napoleon worked with Emmanuel Sieyes to plan the coup and executed it. They set up a new government with three consuls with Napoleon as the first and most powerful.
  • Napoleon is declared Emperor

    Following his meteoric rise during the wars of the French Revolution where he commanded troops to victory during many campaigns. He returned to France in 1799 to save it from collapse and became the first consul in 1800. He established the Napoleonic Code in 1802. After becoming emperor he began launching a great number of military campaigns to conquer much of Europe leading to the French Empire's massive size in 1812.
  • Napoleon is defeated by Horatio Nelson

    Napoleon is defeated by Horatio Nelson
    In the Battle of Trafalgar, the Spanish and French fleets challenged the British navy and lost making Napoleon's plan for the invasion of Britain impossible as he could not control the English channel also set in place British naval superiority for a century afterword.
  • The continental System is Implemented

    The continental System is Implemented
    Following the loss of France's naval fleets as well as their allies, their naval power was rendered null. The British controlled the seas so France instituted a plan, that was to prevent all European nations that existed on the main continent from trading with Britain to drive it into economic ruin. This actually ended up hurting the economies of European nations more as they could no longer easily trade by sea due to British blockades and enforcement of France's plan stretched them thin.
  • Napoleon is defeated at Leipzig

    Napoleon is defeated at Leipzig
    In the battle of nations the war between France and the coalition of Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and Russia. This defeat resulted in the destruction of Napoleon's grand army forcing him to retreat to France. This defeat put him firmly on the backfoot against the coalition as it swept through the German federation their allies and into France afterwords.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    Napoleon is exiled to Elba
    After France was invaded by the coalition forces of Austria, Russia, Sweden, and Prussia. Napoleon was forced into exile on Elba to hopefully prevent him from returning and attempting to reclaim his throne as emperor of France. However Elba was not that far removed from France and he easily made his escape from there by ship and returned to France.
  • Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena

    Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena
    After his grand defeat at Waterloo firmly putting him below the military prowess of the nations of the world. He was exiled after his abdication to British controlled island of St. Helena to prevent him from making another escape as he was put under lock and key by an enemy nation to prevent him from every thinking of plans to escape. This set up much of the tension against new rising dictators for the coming centuries.
  • Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo
    A year after he was exiled on Elba he escaped, and with 1000 supporters returned to France causing the new king Francis XVIII to flee. Napoleon embarked on a campaign know as the 100 days campaign. Following Napoleon's return Austria, Prussia, Russia, and Britain united to prevent Napoleon from rising like he once did. Napoleon met their combined forces at Waterloo and lost finally putting an end to emperor-ship for good.