French Revolution

  • Louis XIV takes control of France (oh no)

    Start of the monarchy during the French Revolution. He wasn't a very good king so this is where everything went wrong.
  • Hobbes publishes Leviathan

    Hobbes publishes the Leviathan. This spread the idea of an absolute monarchy.
  • Marie Antoinette finally has a child

    After being pressured to have a child, she finally does. But it's a girl, so yikes.
  • Napoleon enters military school

    He entered into military school with his brother. He was only ten!!!
  • food shortage!!!!

    People didn't have bread and they were angry. Bread was expensive and this lead many people to starve. Most people were mad at the queen because she didn't give any money back to them, and instead bought clothes and held garden parties.
  • Napoleon becomes a lieutenant in the French Army

    In 1785, Napoleon became a lieutenant for the French Army. He was only the second lieutenant, if you're asking for specifics.
  • Robspierre asks for equal representation

    One of the only good things Robespierre did was establish equal rights for commoners. And one of the only good thing to come out of the French Revolution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    A violent attack by the French people against the Bastille, which was a prison. It was built in the late 1300s to protect Paris during the Hundred Years War.
  • Louis signed declaration of the rights of man

    Again, one of the only good things to come out of the revolution. It influenced a number of later documents, including our own United States Declaration of Independence.
  • Women's march on Versailles

    On October 4, 1789 a bunch of women marched into the palace of Versailles demanding bread. They were bloodthirsty and would have killed the queen had she not escaped.
  • Religion Bad

    During the terror, Robespierre removes all religious items from France and changes the calendar so it doesn't fit with the Christian standards. There were now ten days in a week, and the year 1792 became year one (how quirky of him)
  • Execution of Louis XIV

    On January 21, 1793, Louis XIV was charged with treason. He was swiftly executed afterwards.
  • Censorship in France

    Robespierre brought back censorship. Nobody could say anything bad about the French Revolution unless they wanted to be executed.
  • Napoleon was crowned emperor

    In 1804, Napoleon was crowned emperor of France. This marks the first time they'll have an emperor.
  • Napoleon wanted war on Britain

    Napoleon wanted to wage a large scale economic war against Britain.
  • Napoleon was exiled

    He was exiled to a remote British island named St. Helena. He died there.
  • Napoleon dies

    Napoleon dies on the island he was exiled to at the age of 51. He most likely died of stomach cancer.