
French Revolution

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    The start and end of the monarchy and absolutism. Absolutism is the system of an absolute monarchy or ruler over a country.
  • Louis XIV

    Louis XIV
    His late-1600s extravagance made people suspicious. So, enlightenment thinker congregated in Salons.
  • Louis XV

    Louis XV
    He was an incompetent king who spent a lot of the Monarchy's money. He only became king after king Louis XIV's unexpected death.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The colonies from Britain fought back against taxes and tyranny. This inspired the French in more than one way.
  • Declaration of the Rights of the Man

    Declaration of the Rights of the Man
    Set by France's National Constituent Assembly. The Declaration was drafted by the Abbé Sieyès and the Marquis de Lafayette.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The National Assembly vowed to not separate until the constitution of the kingdom is established. All members of the National assembly were in the 3rd estate.
  • Bastille is stormed.

    Bastille is stormed.
    People needed weapons and gun powder so they stormed Bastille. This victory helped set the revolution in motion.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    Women stormed Versailles to complain about food shortages. After getting no consolation, they threatened to kill the queen.
  • Elimination

    Th revolution eliminated the Hébertists and the Indulgents, or followers of Georges Danton. Took place during the terror.
  • The end of the Terror

    The end of the Terror
    Robespierre was stopped and executed. He had started the terror himself September 5, 1793.
  • Major General Bonaparte

    Major General Bonaparte
    Napoleon helped get rid of a royalist objection against the revolutionary government in Paris. He was then promoted to major general.
  • Discovery of the Rosetta Stone

    Discovery of the Rosetta Stone
    During Napoleon’s military reign in Egypt a French soldier, Pierre Francois Bouchard, discovered the Rosetta Stone. This artifact gave them the key to Egyptian hieroglyphics
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Napoleon sold France’s Louisiana Territory in United States for $15 million. This transaction later became known as the Louisiana Purchase.
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    The reign of him as emperor. After he faced defeat in Russia, it took two years but he was exiled.