
French Revolution

  • Palace of Versailles Built

    Palace of Versailles Built
    Has a hallway with a total of 357 mirrors
  • King Louis moves the capitol of France from Paris to Versailles

    King Louis moves the capitol of France from Paris to Versailles
    rebellions started breaking out in Paris so King Louis decided to move to Versailles in order to escape
  • King Louis and Mary Antoinette get married

    King Louis and Mary Antoinette get married
    The couple gets married at age 15 and 14
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    French Revolution broke out because middle and lower class began to notice how unfairly they were being treated
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Third Estate locks themself in a tennis court in order to find a solution and come up with a constitution
  • Bastille is Stormed

    Bastille is Stormed
    A Paris mob raids the prison/armory in search of mass amounts of weapons and ammo to be able to supply themselves and take a stand
  • Women's march on Versailles

    Women's march on Versailles
    Women are tired of food shortage and march to Versailles to demand it and end receiving what they went there for
  • King Louis is executed

    King Louis is executed
    After jeopardizing France's economy and many other things King Louis is officially exectued
  • Reign of Terror begins

    Reign of Terror begins
    A period in time where France has mass public executions and torture.
  • Napolean launches a Coup d'Etat on corrupt directory

    Napolean launches a Coup d'Etat on corrupt directory
    Napoleon launches mission to overthrow corrupt government
  • Napoleonic Code comes to life

    Napoleonic Code comes to life
    Was one of the first law/codes in France. Was also amended many times
  • Napoleon crowns himself emporer

    Napoleon crowns himself emporer
    Napoleon is crowned emporer is the Notre Dame cathedral
  • Napolean is defeated in Russia

    Napolean is defeated in Russia
    Napolean leads his army into Russia to invade and hopefully take over. But the Russians decide not to fight them but to let the harsh winter fight them
  • Napoleon is exiled

    Napoleon is exiled
    Napoleon's reign over Europe is over and he is exiled to Elba
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    Was actually fought in Belgium and was Napoleon's final defeat