Was wrote by Thomas Hobbes, and it states Thomas Hobbes' view of government, and how it should be run. Which is through social contracts. -
John Locke Publication
Two Treatises of Government was a work by John Locke, and it was a work of politcal philosophy. -
French and Indian War
Also known as the the Seven Years War, this war was fought primarily between Britain and France. They were mostly fighting over power, territory, and religion. -
American Revolution
The American Revolution was a period of time when the original 13 colonies organized together to create their own system of government, and tried to break free from the British Monarchy that ruled them for so long. -
Signing of Declaration of Independence
The signing of the Declaration was a monumental day when Congress and some delegates created the foundation of our government as we know today. -
Tennis Court Oath
This was a pledge, that signified for the first time that the French people opposed of Louis XVI's rule. -
Storming of the Bastille
The Storming of the Bastille wasn't really a huge event, but the Bastille was a symbol of the abuses of the monarch. By storming it, it showed how the people were ready for a new system of government. -
Execution of Louis XVI
THis was the day King Louis XVI was killed by guillotine. It was considered a major event for the Frnech Revolution. -
Committee of Public Safety
the Committee of Public safety was created by the national convention, in order to protect the newly found government against forgein countries. -
Execution of Robespierre
Robespierre was executed by members of the national convention that turned on him becuase his point of view was considered radical, and members were scared of what he might do. He was also executed by guillotine. -
Napoleon disbands the Directory
Napoleon surrounded the directory, and overthrew it. After he did this, he closed down the council of five hundred. -
Napoleon becomes Emperor
Napoleon was crowned by the Pope, but according to legend Napoleon snagged the crown from hte Pope and crowned himself to show that he was above the church. -
Napoleon invades Portugal
Napoleon invaded Portugal by sending an army of 24,000 french troops. He was eventually successful in this attack. -
Napoleon invades Russia
Napoleon and his army, went to Russia hoping to gain the favor of the Polish people. -
Napoleons first exile
During Napoleon's first exile he was sent to Elba. He still got to keep his title of emperor, however, he was strip of his powers. -
Congress of Vienna
The congress of Vienna was when a few ambassadors got together and remade old boundaries, and make it so the main powers could remain in peace. -
Defeat at Waterloo
Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo, which some say brought an end to the Napoleon Era in Europe. -
Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena
The British kept him here basically untill his death, and nobody would be able to help him. -
Napoleons death
Napoleon's death may have been caused by the harsh living conditions brought on to him.