French Revolution

  • The meeting of the estates council

    The estates general meeting of 1789, was the first meeting in over 100 years ( 1614 ) and they summoned king louis XVI to discuss solutions for the countries recent economic struggles
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    This event was when the revolutionaries stated outside of a courtroom, that no matter where or when something they don't want is happening, that they will gather to protest against the king."not to separate and to reassemble wherever require, until the Constitution of the kingdom is established"
  • The Storming Of Bastille

    The Storming Of Bastille
    The revolutionaries took over the medieval fortress in Paris, France, because the fortress was used as a prison to capture people suspected of talking about not liking the king, and torturing them to death. after they overtook it, they took apart the Bastille, brick by brick, from top to bottom, until it was nothing but rubble.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    The reign of terror happened after the creation of the first french republic, and it was used as a tactic by the king to scare them to stop the revolution. lot's of public executions, and massacres, happened during this time period
  • The rise of napoleon and creation of an empire

    The rise of napoleon and creation of an empire
    Napoleon was a french military leader during the french revolution and french revolutionary wars, who was most notable for after being overthrown, and exiled, he managed to fight france using an army from the place he was exiled, and then retaking France during the hundred days in 1815
  • Napoleon's Empire Collapses

    The first empire for napoleon, collapsed when Britain, Russia, Prussia, Sweden, And Austria joined together to overtake France. And, when they overtake, Napoleon was exiled to a small island, Elba, where he gathered an army, retook France, and ended up being overthrown yet again, sent to ST. Helena
  • The congress of Vienna

    The congress of Vienna was made to quell the strong sense of nationalism that many of the powerful countries in Europe, because most of them were causing internal conflicts, and that made Europe weaker as a whole. So, the way it worked was all of the individual countries in Europe would defend the other countries in times of war. Sadly it didn't work out like that as during war times internal conflicts came out again, but the idea was there and it was a good idea.