• Period: to

    Bourgeois Revolutions

    Political and social revolutions obtained political power and improved social status.
  • Period: to

    Goya: Court Painter

    Cartoons for tapestries, portraits of royal and nobility families, religious paintings, prints from etchings, paints of local festivals, depiction of phsycological characteristics, critisize spanish customs and representation of St Anthony´s miracles.
  • Period: to

    The American Revolution

    G. Britain fought against its colonies on the Atlantic coast of N. America (13). G. Britain recognised American independence and the birth of U.S. in 1783 (Treaty of Versailles).
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    It was a Bourgeois revolution, it was a period of violent social and political change. National, Legislative and Constituent Assemblys were created.
  • Directory

    The moderates removed Robespierre from power and end "Terror" stabilishing "Directory". In 1799 after many military victories, Napoleon took control of France by a military coup and he stabilished Consulate.
  • Napoleonic Empire

    Napoleonic Empire
    Napoleon proclamed himself emperor Napoleon I. He spread the revolutionary ideas of liberty and equality. He introduced constitutions which ended most of the absolute monarchies in Europe.
  • Period: to

    Guerrilla Warfare

    Napoleón entered Spain with his army and conquered all spanish territories except from Cádiz.
  • Period: to

    Goya: War of Independence

    Paints from engravings, protests against horrors of war, critisize Ancien Régime and war.
  • Spanish War of Independence

    Spanish War of Independence
    The people of Madrid revealed against French, they lost, but this served as an example for all Spain and Independence War started.
  • Battle Of Bailén

    Battle Of Bailén
    This was a war in which spanish army stopped the French from reaching Andalucía.
  • Central Council

    Central Council
    In the absence of Fernando VII Central Council was created. Then, in December 1813, Napoleon signed the "Treaty of Valençay" which returned power to Fernando VII.
  • The Cádiz Cortes

    The Cádiz Cortes
    The Central Council was refuging in Cádiz from the French offensive. Then, the Central Council was replaced by the Regency Council which called the Cádiz Cortes.
  • Period: to

    Military Alliance with G. Britain

    Napoleon sent some of his troops from Spain to Russia. The Anglo-Spanish and Portuguese troops won some territories which led to Napoleon exiting Spain and in 1813 Napoleon signed the "Treaty of Valençay"
  • Spain´s First Constitution

    Spain´s First Constitution
    The Cadiz Cortes signed Spain´s first constitution which was a victory for the Enlightenment ideas of liberty and equality.
  • Details of Constitution

    • Constitutional Monarchy
    • Popular sovereignty with limited male suffrage
    • Separation of powers
    • Guaranteed rights and freedom
    • Catholicism as official religion
  • Carlos IV abdication

    Carlos IV abdication
    After the revolt of Aranjuez Carlos IV abdicated proclaming Fernando VII king of Spain. However Napoleon quitted crown from Fernando VII and gave it to Joseph Bonaparte.
  • Napoleon is defeated

    Napoleon is defeated
    Napoleon was finally defeated in "Waterloo" battle and was exiled to the island of St. Helena.
  • Period: to

    Goya: Exile in France

    Black paintings, burgundy paintings, reflections on old age and death, depictions of daily life.
  • Terror

    The Jacobins, led by Robespierre and suported by "san-culottes" took power and stabilished a dictatorship known as "Terror".