French Revolution

  • Beginning of Seven years war

    Beginning of Seven years war
    the british prime minister was optimistic that a new series of alliances would stop a war from breaking out in europe. britain had declared war on france on may 17, 2 years after fighting broke out in ohio country.
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    A colonial revolt between the colonists and the british between 1765-83. the spanish and french aided the americans in the revolutionary war leading to a long sought victory.
  • Louis XVI is married to Marie Antoinette

    Louis XVI is married to Marie Antoinette
    At the age of 15, louis xvi is married to marie antoinette who was 14 yrs old at the time. louis was french and marie was austrian, this marriage was met with hostility from the french public, somehow leading to the seven years war.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    the Declaration of independent, Adopted by the 2nd continental congress was on july 7, 1776. The 13 colonies, in what would be america today would sever their ties with great britain.
  • Napoleon early career

    Napoleon early career
    after graduating in sep 1789 Napoleon was commissioned a second lieutenant lin La'fere artillery regiment. During the early years of the french revolution, Napoleon was in corisca, fighting in a complex threeway struggle among royalists, revolutionaries, and coriscan nationalists.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    the storming of the bastille was a violent attack that took place at a state prison used by the kings of france. this attack signaled the start of the french revolution.
  • Declaration of the rights of man and the citizens

    Declaration of the rights of man and the citizens
    this document became a basis for individual freedom also being equally protected by law. also becoming a core statement for the values of the french revolution.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    a crowd of women demanding bread for their families marched toward versailles, a palace holding the king and queen.
    the king agrees upon the demands of the 7,000 women, and agrees to march to paris with them the next day.
  • First constitution of France

    First constitution of France
    created after the collapse of the absolute monarchy of the ancien regime. this document was the first ever written constitution of france.
  • Napoleon early career (cont.)

    Napoleon early career (cont.)
    he was promoted captain in the regular army in july 1792, but soon came into conflict with Paoli. Him and his family fled to the french mainland in june 1793 due to paoli splitting with france.
  • Committee of public safety (formation)

    Committee of public safety (formation)
    created in april 1793 and restructured in july 1793 which formed the provisional gov't in france during the reign of terror. this committee assumed the role of protecting the established republic against foreign attacks and internal rebellion.
  • Murder of marat

    Murder of marat
    marat was in his medicinary bathtub on july 13, when a young woman, charlotte corday requested an audience with him. 15 minutes in to the interview charlotte took a kitchen knife from her corset and fatally stabbed marat in the chest, killing him.
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    Execution of Marie Antoinette
    Before being executed Marie Antoinette was charged for depletion of the main treasury and intelligence activities with interest in the enemy, even accused of incest with her son. She was executed by Guillotine on Oct, 16 1793.
  • Napoleon being Emperor of France

    Napoleon being Emperor of France
    after seizing political power in france in a 1799 coup de'tat, he crowned himself emperor. he was the first frenchman to hold the title of emperor in a thousand years.
  • Napoleon being Emperor of France (cont.)

    Napoleon being Emperor of France (cont.)
    Napoleon Revolutionized military organization and training and sponsered the Napoleonic Code. He also reorganized education and established the long-lived concordat with the papacy.
  • Napoleon Late life

    Napoleon Late life
    Napoleon had spent the rest of his life on the island of Saint Helena. He moved the Longwood House which was damp and in disrepair leaving him in a unhealthy location.
  • Napoleon Death

    Napoleon Death
    In his late life Napoleon's health deteriorated. his cause of death was first being debated as stomach cancer, but was finally ruled death by stomach ulcer.