Period: to
Estates General
The people of the 3rd Estate all gathered together, hoping to change the voting system to vote by head instead of estate. -
Tennis Court Oath
After being locked out of their gathering room, the Third Estate met in a tennis court and agreed that no one would go home until they got the changes they wanted -
Storming of the Bastille
This is the day they stormed the Bastille to get gunpowder in case the French army attacked them -
Great Fear
The Great Fear was basically when everyone started panicing as everything was falling apart -
Declaration of the Rights of Man
This is when all men were considered to be born free -
Women's march to Versailles
The women rioted over bread prices, marched to Versailles, and stole bread and grain from the kings grainery -
Louis and Marie's Flight to Varennes
This is when Louis and Marie unsucessfully tried to flee Paris -
French Constitution of 1791
The second constitution of the French after the revolution -
Brunswick Manifesto
Proclamation that said if the royal family was harmed, so would French civilians -
National Convention
Convention which held executive power at that time -
Reign of Terror
The period of violence after the onset of the French Revolution -
A group of five men who governed France til 1799 -
Napoleon Bonaparte takes over
Title speaks for itself -
Concordat of 1801
An agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius which made the Catholic Chuch the majority church of France -
Louisiana Purchase
A Treaty signed between the United States and the French -
Napoleon becomes Emperor
When Napoleon reigned he won every battle except for one -
Napoleonic code
Napoleons code which forbade rights based on birth and also freedom of religion -
Battle of Trafalgar
A battle between British Royal Navy and The French Navy -
Continental System
An embargo against the British Trade -
Peninsular War
War between France, Spain, UK, and Portugal -
Invasion of Russia
When the French Invaded Russia -
Exile to Elba
This is when Napoleon was exiled to Elba...Simple -
The Battle of Waterloo
A battle in Waterloo where Napoleon won -
Exile to St. Helena
When Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena... another easy one