French Rev TimeToast

By Jaxon H
  • King Louis XVI married Marie Antoinette

    King Louis XVI married Marie Antoinette
    A marriage between the two royal houses. On 19 April the wedding took place by proxy in Vienna.
  • Palace of Versailles built

    Palace of Versailles built
    Versailles had to reflect the King's greatness and it also had to accommodate the Court.To show the King's splendour, Mansart then produced his great masterpiece, the Hall of Mirrors, which linked the Apartments of the King and the Queen.
  • King Louis moved the capital of France from Paris to Versailles

    King Louis moved the capital of France from Paris to Versailles
    Louis XIV hoped to extract more control of the government from the nobility and to distance himself from the population of Paris. King Louis XVI and his family moved from Versailles to Paris in 1789 due to popular pressure and a violent confrontation with a mob.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    the National Assembly swore not to stop meeting until France had a constitution. This commitment to imposing a constitution on France was a threat to the power of the monarch.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was written

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was written
    The "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen" was a document written during the French Revolution, adopted by the National Assembly on August 26, 1789. It outlined the natural and legal rights of French citizens, including freedom, property, security, and resistance to oppression, while also establishing the principle of equality before the law and separation of powers.
  • Women’s March on Versailles

    Women’s March on Versailles
    A riot that took place during this first stage of the French Revolution. It was spontaneously organized by women in the marketplaces of Paris, on the morning of October 5, 1789.
  • Bastille is Stormed

    Bastille is Stormed
    The Storming of the Bastille was when a mob of angry French citizens and rebellious soldiers attacked the Bastille on 14 July 1789. The fortress capitulated after the revolutionaries aimed cannons at its gate.
  • Period: to

    French Rev

  • King Louis XVI is executed

    King Louis XVI is executed
    The monarchy was formally abolished, and “Year I” of the French Republic was declared. Louis XVI died at the guillotine on 21 January 1793.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    a violent period during the French Revolution where the Committee of Public Safety, led by Maximilien Robespierre, orchestrated mass executions of individuals deemed "enemies of the revolution," using the guillotine as the primary method, resulting in thousands of deaths across France between September 1793 and July 1794. This period was marked by widespread paranoia and accusations of treason, with even minor suspicions leading to arrest and execution.
  • Napoleon launches a Coup d’Etat on the weak & corrupt Directory.

    Napoleon launches a Coup d’Etat on the weak & corrupt Directory.
    Overthrew the system of government under the Directory in France and substituted the Consulate, making way for the despotism of Napoleon Bonaparte. The event is often viewed as the effective end of the French Revolution.
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor.

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor.
    On the 2nd of December 1804 Napoleon crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I at Notre Dame de Paris. during the coronation he snatched the crown from the hands of Pope Pius VII and crowned himself, thus displaying his rejection of the authority of the Pontiff.
  • Creation of the Napoleonic Code

    Creation of the Napoleonic Code
    Enacted by Napoleon in 1804. It clarified and made uniform the private law of France and followed Roman law in being divided into three books: the law of persons, things, and modes of acquiring ownership of things.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon as Emperor

  • Defeat in Russian Campaign

    Defeat in Russian Campaign
    The Russians adopted a Fabian strategy, executing a prolonged withdrawal that largely denied Napoleon a conclusive battle. French invasion of Russia, invasion of the Russian Empire by Napoleon I's Grande Armée.
  • When he was exiled

    When he was exiled
    The coalition invaded France and captured Paris, forcing Napoleon to abdicate in April 1814. He was defeated at Waterloo and subsequently exiled to the remote island of Saint Helena in the South Atlantic where he died in 1821.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    The Battle of Waterloo was fought on 18 June 1815 between Napoleon's French Army and a coalition led by the Duke of Wellington and Marshal Blücher. it concluded a war that had raged for 23 years, ended French attempts to dominate Europe, and destroyed Napoleon's imperial power forever.