French Rev Timeline

  • Palace of Versailles Built

    Palace of Versailles Built
    The Palace of Versailles is a former royal residence commissioned by King Louis XIV located in Versailles, about 19 kilometers west of Paris, and France.
  • When King Louis moved the capital of France from Paris to Versailles

    When King Louis moved the capital of France from Paris to Versailles
    On 6 May 1682, Versailles became the headquarters of the government. They hoped to extract more control of the government from the nobility and to distance himself from Paris.
  • When King Louis XVI married Marie Antoinette

    When King Louis XVI married Marie Antoinette
    Although Marie Antoinette initially condescended to her husband, she loved King Louis. She went on to have four children.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The French Revolution took place between 1789 and 1799, leading to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte. The French Revolution was not a single event but a series of developments that unfolded between 1789 and 1799.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Representatives of the non-clergy and non-nobles of France swore they would not disperse until a constitution was established for France. This is still used today.
  • Bastille is Stormed

    Bastille is Stormed
    Hundreds of Parisians stormed the Bastille, a state prison. The storming of the Bastille was a pivotal moment in the French Revolution.
  • When ThDeclaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was written

    When ThDeclaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was written
    When The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was written in 1789. Formed by the assembly of the Estates General to draft a new Constitution.
  • Women’s March on Versailles

    Women’s March on Versailles
    The king and agreed to leave Versailles and accompany the mob back to Paris. Many of them women, marched 12 miles to Versailles.
  • King Louis XVI is executed

    King Louis XVI is executed
    Louis XVI died at the guillotine on 21 January 1793. He was 38 years old when he was excecutued and were killed for alleged treason.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    It was a climactic period of state-sanctioned violence during the French Revolution. There were mass killings and excecutions.
  • Napoleon launches a Coup d’Etat on the weak & corrupt Directory.

    Napoleon launches a Coup d’Etat on the weak & corrupt Directory.
    The coup d'état of 18 Brumaire brought Napoleon Bonaparte to power as First Consul of France. In the view of most historians, it ended the French Revolution.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon as Emperor

    The architect of France's recovery following the Revolution before setting out to conquer Europe, which led to his downfall.
  • Creation of the Napoleonic Code

    Creation of the Napoleonic Code
    The French civil code established under Napoleon I in 1804. It was drafted by a commission of four eminent jurists.
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor.

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor.
    Napoleon crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I at Notre Dame de Paris. Napoleon crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I at Notre Dame de Paris.
  • Defeat in Russian Campaign

    Defeat in Russian Campaign
    Napoleon's army eventually reached a Moscow abandoned and destroyed by the Russian army based on the scorched-earth policy. The last French troops leaving Russian soil
  • When Napoleon he was exiled

    When Napoleon he was exiled
    He abdicated for a second time and was exiled to the remote island of Saint Helena, in the southern Atlantic Ocean, where he lived out the rest of his days.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    The Battle of Waterloo was fought on 18 June 1815 between Napoleon's French Army. The decisive battle of its age, it concluded a war that had raged for 23 years, ended French attempts to dominate Europe.