French rev

By Roman06
  • Second Coalition Formed

    Second Coalition Formed
    On June 14, 1799 - 1800 The Consulate is established with Bonaparte as First Consul. A few months later, he leads the French army in a daring march across the Alps, defeating the Austrian army in the Battle of Marengo. This shows Napoleon having Military achievements and Political accomplishments.
  • Restoring France

    Restoring France
    In 1800 - 1801 Napoleon is taking advantage of this period of relative peace, Napoleon takes steps to restore order in France through new policies of reconciliation. Amnesties are granted to many exiled aristocrats, who return to France. This action reflects a social reform because he is trying to make new policies of reconciliation.
  • Concordat

    The Concordat of 1801 is signed by Pope Pius VIl and Napoleon. This pact recognizes Catholicism as the religion of the vast majority of the French citizens, reconciling many French Catholics to the Consulate Government and healing one of the deepest wounds of the Revolution. This piece of action reflects social reform to his religion and beliefs.
  • Consul Of Life

    Consul Of Life
    In 1802 Napoleon sends an army to re-establish control over Saint Domingue, the most valuable of France’s colonies in the West Indies. This action reflects Military achievements because hes sending out troupes and being a real emperor. In May Napoleon also passes a law reintroducing the slave trade in all French colonies; he has visions of a French empire in the Americas. This action reflects social reforms to try and reintroduce slaves for people among France.
  • Coronation Napoleonic Code

    Coronation Napoleonic Code
    March 21, 1804: Napoleon’s French Civil Code is enacted and extended to all parts of the Empire. This action reflects political accomplishments because he is enacting and extend to all parts of the Empire.
  • Emperor

    May 18–December 2, 1804: The Consulate is transformed into the Empire and Napoleon is declared Emperor of the French. In December, the Coronation of Napoleon and Josephine takes place at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. The Imperial Household is officially established. This reflects political reforms because Napoleon is transforming the government into an Empire.
  • Battles: Trafalgar

    Battles: Trafalgar
    October 21, 1805: At the Battle of Trafalgar, the British naval fleet commanded by Admiral Nelson destroys the French navy. Napoleon’s invasion plans are ended. This reflects military achievements because he is going to war against the british with the French navy.
  • Battles: Austerlitz

    Battles: Austerlitz
    December 2, 1805: Napoleon defeats the forces of Tsar Alexander I of Russia and Holy Roman Emperor Francis II at the Battle of Austerlitz. This piece reflects military achievements because Napoleon is battling against the Russians and the British
  • Peace Treaty

    Peace Treaty
    In July 7–9, 1807: Napoleon and Tsar Alexander I sign the Treaties of Tilsit, giving Napoleon control of an empire that encompasses most of Europe. This shows Napoleon having political accomplishments from him making peace with other high up men.
  • Russian withdraw

    Russian withdraw
    In June 1812: Following Russia’s withdrawal from the Continental System (Napoleon’s policy forbidding European trade with Britain), Napoleon invades Russia. This shows military achievements because they are taking the next step and invading Russia
  • Borodino

    September 7, 1812: Borodino, the bloodiest battle of the Napoleonic wars, is fought near Moscow. When Moscow falls a week later, the inhabitants set fire to the city.
  • The Downfall

    The Downfall
    November 1812:Tsar Alexander I refuses to surrender. The Russian winter and lack of supplies cause Napoleons army to retreat. Napoleon abandons his army and returns to Paris. 1814:At the Battle of Leipzig the combined forces of Russia, Prussia,and etc defeat Napoleon’s remaining forces. Napoleon leaves the throne on April,1814 and is banished to the Mediterranean island of Elba. Theses are actions of Social hatred of being thrown out of france and poor leading as the "Emperor" abandons his army.
  • Hundred Days

    Hundred Days
    February 26, 1815: Napoleon escapes from Elba and takes back the French throne during the period known as the “Hundred Days.” June 18, 1815: At the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon’s final army is decisively defeated. Four days later, he abdicates for the second time. This shows military achievements because he lost and dethroned himself.
  • Ending

    October 16, 1815: Napoleon begins his exile on Saint Helena, a remote volcanic island in the south Atlantic. Even though 600-foot cliffs rose on both sides of the port of the only town, two British Navy frigates patrol the island at all times. During most of Napoleon’s exile, at least 125 men guard his house during the day with 72 on duty at night.