Chemistry timeline

By Madi_16
  • 310


    Wrote extensively on many subjects, inclding politics, ethics, nature, physics, and astronomy.
    One of the most inflential philosophers.
  • 460


    Matter is composed of empyt space through which atoms move
    Atoms solid, invsible, indestructble and homogenoues
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Printing press

    Printing press
    Johannes Gutenberg invented the priting press.
    Made it easier for more copies of things to be printed like books, newspapers, Bilbles, etc.
  • James Hargreaves

    James Hargreaves
    Invented the spinning jenny.
    Multi-spindle spinning frame.
  • Nicolas Joseph Cugnot

    Nicolas Joseph Cugnot
    Invented the first self-propelled road vehicle, he was a French engineer and mechanic.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Antoine Lavoisier
    Disovered the role oxygen plays in combustion.
    Predicted the existence of silicon.
    Estbalished that sulfur was an element rather than a compound.
    Considered to be father of modern chemistry
  • Joseph Proust

    Joseph Proust
    Law of constant composition.
    Stated that in chemical reactions matter is neither created nor destroyed.
  • William Crookes

    William Crookes
    Cathodes rays were actually a stream of chagred particles.
    The particles carried a negative charge.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    Matter composed of extremely small particles called atoms
    Atoms cannot be created, divided into smaller particles, or destroyed
    In chemcial reaction atoms are separated, combined, or rearranged
  • Richard Trevithick

    Richard Trevithick
    Inveneted the locomotive.
    Made transportation faster and easier for people traveling long distances.
  • Amedeo Avogadro

    Amedeo Avogadro
    Principle stating that equal volumes o gases at the same temperature and pressure contian the smae number of molecules regardless o ftheir chemical nature and phsyical properties.
    Avogadro's Law states the relationship between the masses of the same volume of different gases.
  • Barthelemy Thimonnier

    Barthelemy Thimonnier
    Invented the first sewing machine that was functionable.
  • Samuel Morse

    Samuel Morse
    Invented a way of communication by a series of on-off tones, light flashes, or clicks. Each dot and dash are arranged in different ways to make up different letters and numbers.
  • J.J. Thomson

    J.J. Thomson
    Showed that cathod rays were composed of a previously unknown negativley charged particle
    Finding evidence for isotopes of a stable element
  • Madame Curie

    Madame Curie
    Madame Curie and husband announced the existence of the element radium.
    Isolated pure radium metal.
  • Orville & Wilbur Wright

    Orville & Wilbur Wright
    Invented the first long lasting airplane, which made traveling even faster than traveling by locamotive.
  • Willis Haviland Carrier

    Willis Haviland Carrier
    Invented the air-conditioner, helped cool down houses faster and get rid of humidity.
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    Prdouced Theory of Atomic Disintergration
    Carried out Geiger-Marsden experiment which showed the nuclear nature of atoms be deflecting alpha particles passing through thin gold foil
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    Determined that the laws o fphysics are the same for all non-accelerating observers.
    The speed of light in vacuum was independent of the motion of all observers.
  • Robert Millikan

    Robert Millikan
    Measured the cahrge on an electron.
    Able to show that the cahrge on a drop was always an integral multiple of a small.
  • Henry Moseley

    Henry Moseley
    Attained a radioactive source of radium inventing the first atomic battery.
    Observed and measured x-ray spectra of various chemcial elements.
  • Niels Bohr

    Niels Bohr
    Adapted Rutherford's nuclear structure to Max Planck's quantum theory and created his Bohr model of the atom.
    Introdcued the idea that an electron oculd drop from a higher energy orbit to a lower one.
  • Max Planck

    Max Planck
    Orginated quantum theory.
  • Louis de Broglie

    Louis de Broglie
    Suggested that the wave nature of electrons.
    Suggested that all matter has wave properties.
  • Werner Heisenberg

    Werner Heisenberg
    Publsihed his work with a breakthrough paper, matrix, formulation of quantum mechanics.
    Also made imporatnat contributions to the thoeries of the hydronamics of turbulent flows, atomic nucleus, ferromagnetism, comsic rays, and subatomic particles.
  • Alexander Fleming

    Alexander Fleming
    Discovered penecillian.
  • Negative pressure ventilator (Iron lung)

    Negative pressure ventilator (Iron lung)
    First iron lung built by Philip Drinker and Louis Agassiz Shaw Jr.
    Air pumps change the pressure insdie a rectangular, airtight metal box, pulling air in and out of the lungs
  • James Chadwick

    James Chadwick
    Discovered the neutron.
    Wrote the final draft of the MAUD report.
  • Erwin Schrodinger

    Erwin Schrodinger
    Proposed the Schrodinger's cat thought experiment.
  • Henri Becquerel

    Henri Becquerel
    Explained that penetrating radiation came from uranium itself.