WW1 Conscription Crisis
<a href='http://www.cbc.ca/history/EPISCONTENTSE1EP12CH2PA3LE.html' >WW1 Conscription Crisis<a/>
by the middle of the war french canadians felt they had done enough in the european theatre and opposed sending more troops to the front. strained relations between french and english speaking canadian. -
Union National Party Created
Period: to
Duplessis/Era of Great Darkness
Duplessis/Era of Great Darkness
Duplessis= premier of qeubec+ leader of the union national party believed quebec should be recognized as a district sociatity. Duplessis was known for supporting the catholic church & catholic education. resulting in quebec schools graduating many teachers, philosophers, theologians not buisness men, entrepreneurs etc... as a result , quebec's economy becomes stagnant -
World War Two Conscription Crisis
WW2 Conscription Crisis
By 1942 resources were startlingly low and hitler had controlled all of europe raising need for conscription. By the time they were trained the war was mostly over. French-english relations strained but not broken -
Quite Revolution
quiet revolution
Jean Lesage raplaces duplessis after his death and start modernizing education, politics + culture. It was deemed "quite" because there was no bloodshed. Lesage actually won the election. -
FLQ is Born
FLQ Born
extreme separatist organization -
Quebec Separatist movement gain momentum
Quebec Separatist movement gains momentum
the are a extreme separatist organization -
Canada Gets a New Flag
Canada Gets a New Flag
Under the pearson goverment it was decided to have a flag without a british symbol on it. it also acted as a means to unify the country.
The maple leaf is used for the first time -
Canada Immigration Policy Becomes Colour Blind
Canada Immigration Policy Becomes Colour Blind
Prior to this the immigration policy was restrictive, giving preferance to english speaking(british or US) aplicants. -
Trudeau Becomes Prime Minister
Trudeau Becomes Prime Minister
He is a federalist -
Official Languages act is passed
Official Languages act is passed
made canada a bilingual, this was a product of the research and fact finding mission of the bi commission aka the royal commision a bilingualism and bi culturealism who discovered that french canadians alienation from the rest of canada was growing and promonant. the commission recommended bilingualism in a attempt to unify the country. -
FLQ Crisis and War Measures Act
FLQ Crisis
after growing separatist setlements the FLQ stepped up their acts of aggression by kidnapping the british diplomat, James Cross. The FLQ wished the relaese of their FLQ prisoners before releasing cross. FLQ later kidnaps Pierre La Porte. Trudeau enacts WMA but La Porte's strangled body is found in the trunk of a car. -
Trudeau Enacts Policy of Multi-Culturalism
Trudeau Enacts Policy of Multiculturalism 1971
Multiculturalism encouraged people to express their cultures and in doing so, would de-emphasize the french as the only cultural group in canada. -
Bill 22 introduced by robert Bourassa
Bill 22 introduced by robert Bourassa
this made french the only language of quebec.
rational: declining birth rates in quebec saw the slow of french canadians.
Bill 22 other name was "the Charter of the French language" -
Parti Quebecois passes bill 101
Parti Quebecois passes bill 101
this party was led by renee levesque who promised seperation by holding a provincial reverendum -
Parti Quebecois introduces bill 101 rene levesque
Immigration Policy allows for the Sponsorship Program
Immigration Policy allows for the Sponsorship Program
Families and businesses could vouch for or sponsor a new immigrant meaning they would take responsobility for the new persons setup in canada