French And Indian War Timeline

By GG2007
  • Construction of Fort Necessity

    Construction of Fort Necessity
    During the Seven Year War a 22 year old man named George Washington started building Fort Necessity. The Fort is very small. It consists only of a small shed inside a small fence.
  • Battle of Fort Necessity

    Battle of Fort Necessity
    The battle took place in what is now Farmington, Pennsylvania. On June 3rd the battle begun at around 11:00 am. The French won the battle, which was the only battle that George Washington surrendered.
  • Construction of Fort William Henry

    Construction of Fort William Henry
    Sir William Johnson established the camp in 1755 at the southern end of Lake George. He put it there with the objective to attack a nearby French fort. The walls were 30 feet high, wooden barracks that were two stories high, and a moat surrounding the base.
  • William Pitt Early Years

    William Pitt Early Years
    William Pitt was a British Tory statesman. He became the youngest prime minister of Great Britain at only 24 years old. He was born in 1759 and died in 1806 at age 46.
  • William Pitt

    William Pitt
    William Pitt is known as one of the greatest British leaders of all time. Under Pitt's guidance, Britain became very powerful and took control of a lot of countries. He directed British military operations and he also took care of their political schemes.
  • Massacre at Fort William Henry

    Massacre at Fort William Henry
    Fort William Henry was a British fort in the province of New York at the time. The construction of the fort started in September 1755, during the French and Indian War. The fort was named after both Prince William, Duke Cumberland and others.
  • The British make Peace with the Cherokee.

    The British make Peace with the Cherokee.
    The Cherokee and the British decided to sign a peace treaty in 1761. The signing of the peace treaty was at Kingsport, Tennessee. A junior officer by the name of Henry Timberlake went with the Cherokee for a sign of good faith.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    After the signing, France lost all claims to Canada and gave Louisiana to Spain. Britain received Spanish Florida, upper Canada, and various French holdings. The treaty made sure that the colonial and maritime supremacy and strengthen 13 American colonies by removing the European rivals to the north and the south.
  • Siege of Detriot

    Siege of Detriot
    The Siege of Fort Detroit was an unsuccessful attack by the North American Indians. The siege was led by Pontiac, he was an Ottawa chief and military leader. Inside the fort there were around 1,200 people with 120 men fighting, the Indians siege was unsuccessful and they had to surrender.
  • Smallpox

    Did you know that the North American colonists would gift the Native Americans blankets infected with smallpox. They would then use the blankets and everybody would get sick and die. Smallpox was a deadly disease that killed off thousand of people.