French and Indian War Timeline

  • George Washington creating Ft. Necessity

    George Washington creating Ft. Necessity
    The fort was built to guard his powers from French fighters infuriated by the death of Ensign Joseph Coulon de Jumonville while in Washington's custody. Washington had been sent off request France's evacuation of the region and to draw in the French powers in fight if essential. Apparently named by Washington as Fort Necessity or Fort of Necessity, the design protected a storage facility for supplies like gunpowder, rum, and flour.
  • Washington Defeats French

    Washington Defeats French
    George Washington had gotten back to the Ohio Valley with an army of Virginia with more additional soldiers. They crushed a French power close to the Great Meadows. After the fight, Washington's Native American partners, driven by Seneca Chief Tanaghrisson, beat up the French prisoners. It executed the French authority and scalped the injured.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War Timeline

  • Native Americans Abandon British

    Native Americans Abandon British
    William Johnson was a superintendent and won against the British at the Battle of Lake George. The British resistance stops his progression further to Crown Point at the southern tip of Lake Champlain, as lay'd out. Taking everything into account, he collects Fort William Henry at the southern tip of Lake George. The Mohawks left their Union with the British after this battle. Various nations inside the Iroquois League embrace an easy situation of absence of bias.
  • William Pitt leading the British

    William Pitt leading the British
    William Pitt was a part of the British colony and its leader from 1756 to 1761. Pitt's arrangement for the 1760 war was eager and wanted to be successful: to take Montreal and the rest of Canada, and carry the battle to a great end. For this effort he would require all the warriors he could get, and he again went to the American regions for work. He additionally decided to pay state army from the charges raised by the settlements. He affected a deal with the Iroquois, changing the balance.
  • British Commit

    British Commit
    William Pitt is named British Secretary of State. He will submit the British government to the assignment of whatever assets are important to crush the French in America and in the European region. He will approve the raising of 23,000 common soldiers in North America in 1758, and will end arguing about tax collection by ensuring the colonial gatherings that Parliament will cover all costs.
  • Massacre at Fort William Henry

    Massacre at Fort William Henry
    This massacre was between the French and the Indians. The Indians fiercely executed and scalped many concerning the British fighters and a short time later took loads concerning detainees to Canada where they were dead as a result of payoff. The French were the ones who got the win at Fort William Henry. Their assault higher up the prisoners was previously an overdue attempt in imitation of getting prizes or honor.
  • Treaty of Easton

    Treaty of Easton
    The Treaty of Easton was supported between the British and a couple of Native American nations, including the Iroquois League and the Ohio Indians. As a promise for harmony, the British made sure to adjust the Walking Purchase of 1737, through which the Iroquois left behind Delaware in western Pennsylvania to the British zone of land. They are in like a manner assurance to gather a general store at the Forks of the Ohio River and to confine white settlement west of the Allegheny Mountains.
  • British Control of Hudson River

    British Control of Hudson River
    The French left Fort Carrillon when it was damaged by British General Jeffery Amherst. As they retreat, the French additionally obliterate their post as Crown Point. The British currently control Lake Champlain and then the Hudson River hallway. They will revamp Fort Carrillon and rename it Fort Ticonderoga.
  • French Surrender

    French Surrender
    The old Governor-General Vaudreuil of New France gave up in Montreal. It was the last French fort in North America, without shooting anything when a British army of 17,500 British soldiers came out of their base. American soldiers, and Native Americans join on the city from three different ways.
  • French & Indian War Ends

    French & Indian War Ends
    The Treaty of Paris got approved, finishing the French and Indian War. The treaty was signed on November 3rd, 1762, the settlement's approval had been delayed by the opposing people, including William Pitt, who accepted its terms excessively on the line. In the treaty, France gives up the entirety of its previous North American regions east of the Mississippi River to Britain, with the exception of New Orleans. Canada is surrendered to Great Britain. Spain is a partner with France.