French And Indian War Timeline

  • Louisbourg

    The Louisbourg loops around the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. The purpose of it was to guard the gates. It was a 7 year war. Louisbourg was built in 1713.
  • Agitation grows

    Agitation grows
    The Agitation started March 15, 1744. The Agition grew and was always threatened with everything.
  • Washington to Ohio Valley

    Washington to Ohio Valley
    In 1754 George Washington hosted the party of the soldiers of Virginia. Then in 1770 he went to explore the Ohio River Valley. Christopher Gist surveyed the Ohio Valley.
  • Declarations of War

    Declarations of War
    The Declarations of the War started on December 11, 1754 and ended February, 1763. Britain and France fought North America The Declaration of War fought everyone that they were around.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris started on February 10, 1756 and ended on September 3, 1783. It was from around east Mississippi and they were given to the Spanish.
  • Fort Oswego

    Fort Oswego
    Fort Oswego was created in 1756. It was the strongest and was the largest out of the three. The battle of Fort Owego was very important because it impressed many other tribes.
  • Massacre at Fort William Henry

    Massacre at Fort William Henry
    In the 18th century there was a 30ft thick wall made up with wood. There were 4 barracks buildings, storehouses, hospital, magazine, and a lot of sheds. After the soldiers died, the Indians would dig a hole for their graves.
  • The British Recapture Fort Duquesne

    The British Recapture Fort Duquesne
    The British Recapture Fort Duquesne started
    started June 26, 1759. The French burned The British Recapture Fort Duquesne to the ground.
  • Montreal

    The Montreal started September 8, 1760. Montreal signs all letters for Canada. Montreal ended on November 29, 1924.
  • Indian Wars

    Indian Wars
    The Indian Wars started April 27, 1763. The Indian War was a war that lasted 155 years. It ended on January 8, 1918.