French And Indian War Timeline

  • Yamasee War

    Yamasee War
    The Yamasee war was conflict between the Indians and British Colonists coming into South Carolina. Because of the result of Colonists
  • George Washington creating Fort Necessity

    George Washington creating Fort Necessity
    George Washington starting building Fort Necessity to defend against the French. He started building because he knew the French would be enraged about the fact that Ensign Joseph Coulon de Jumonville was murdered in the custody of George. Once the French won against the attack, he was made to confess about the murder of Ensign Joseph Coulon de Jumonville.
  • Battle of Taliwa

    Battle of Taliwa
    The Battle of Taliwa was a battle faced over a dispute of land, when the Creeks stole some of the Cherokees land. So because of that Oconostota led over 500 Cherokees to get their land. The Cherokees won a marvelous victory, while the remaining Creeks had to flee back to their home land.
  • William Pitt leading the British

    William Pitt leading the British
    William Pitt came into action after George Washington and other British army had to surrender. William started leading them after their surrenders. He fixed their fighting strategies, put new, young soldiers in for the old, and fixed the commands.
  • Massacre at Fort William Henry

    Massacre at Fort William Henry
    The massacre at Fort William Henry was when the Indians attacked the British soldiers. The Indians attacked first, and later on their allies, the French got through the wall and killed many. After losing about 45 men, and having 70 injured, the British soldiers in Fort William Henry surrendered.
  • Anglo-Cherokee War

    Anglo-Cherokee War
    The Anglo Cherokee war was a "phase" of the French Indian war. It had started because Soldiers at Militia started to abuse the local Cherokee women. That had sparked reprisal in the Cherokee people, so they killed the soldiers at Militia for abusing their women. That's how the Cherokees went to war with some English people.
  • Siege of Fort Loudoun

    Siege of Fort Loudoun
    The Siege of Fort Loudoun is when some Cherokee people attacked it for being forced to fight. The people in the fort left it unattended or protected by a garrison. So some Cherokee people attacked it so when the people came back their Fort would be destroyed.
  • Battle of Echoee

    Battle of Echoee
    The Battle of Echoee was when Oconostota led an attack on a Fort to free some Cherokees from being held hostage. Then later on June 27th 1760, Oconostota ambushed Montgomery killing 20 men and injuring 70. Montgomery and his men surrendered and went back to Charles Towne, while the Cherokees took over Fort Loudoun.
  • Battle of Lindley's Fort

    Battle of Lindley's Fort
    The battle of Lindley's Fort was when the Loyalists and Cherokees wanted to gain control of South Carolina. They wanted to get the land back from the Patriot forces from the early Revolutionary War. After fighting, the Patriots won, but 2 Loyalists were killed and 13 taken prisoner.
  • Battle of Hightower

    Battle of Hightower
    The Battle of Hightower happened because Cherokee people wanted to defend their territory. Citizens of the New United States were coming in, and that affected how much land the Americans were taking from the Cherokees. So the Cherokees fought for their right of their land, but lost.