French And Indian War Timeline

  • George Washington creating Ft. Necessity.

    George Washington creating Ft. Necessity.
    Ft. Necessity was built on June 4th 1754.
    George Washington was only 22 when he created the Fort.
    The battle of fort necessity was lost and the French won.
  • British defeated at Ft. Duquesne

    British defeated at Ft. Duquesne
    General Braddock and his army were surrounded and defeated by Indian and French-Canadian forces . In this war Braddock was mortally wounded. This base was located Western Pennsylvania
  • French take Ft. Oswego

    French take Ft. Oswego
    French commander Montcalm takes fort.
    Montcalm led an army of 3,000 there.
    french overwhelmed them
  • Massacre at Ft.William Henry

    Massacre at Ft.William Henry
    The Massacre at Fort William Henry was very brutal. British soldiers were scalped and some were also held hostage and were only given back for ransom. The French general Louis Joseph led a successful siege and made the British surrender.
  • Battle of Quiberon Bay

    Battle of Quiberon Bay
    The battle was cause because the British wanted to gain naval superiority.
    It was a war between the royal navy and the french navy.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    British and Indian overwhelm the French forces at Quebec.
    The battle was an easy win for the British as for only approximately only 5 British soldiers died. It was bad for the French they had lost 48 soldiers in the battle.
  • French surrender Montreal

    French surrender Montreal
    The French forces were greatly outnumbered witch led to the British victory. Prominently 60 people died in the surrender of Montreal.400 French were captured during the surrender.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The treaty of Paris was the end of the revolutionary war. The first side to sign the treaty was the British side. The first people to sign it were David Harley, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and John Jay.