French and Indian war timeline

  • William Pitt leading the British army

    William Pitt leading the British army
    William Pitt was known as one of the greatest heroes in British history. William helped the battle against the french. William pitt helped the British take over land.
  • George Washington creating fort Necessity

    George Washington creating fort Necessity
    Fort Necessity was created to protect colonists from the french after the colonists had killed Ensign Joseph. Fort necessity was also a base camp for solders. Necessity was one of the first forts that George Washington set up.
  • British defeated at fort Duquesne

    British defeated at fort Duquesne
    The British attacked fort Duquesne. The French had to act quickly and get the troops to act fast and shot the British leader of that group. At the end the French won the attack and took control of Ohio Vally as their victory.
  • French take fort Oswego

    French take fort Oswego
    Fort Oswego was owned by Britain and the French needed a way in but the walls were to strong to break into. The French decided to go and take cannons and then they bombarded the fort. The fort surrendered and the French took 1700 people prisoner.
  • Massacre at fort William Henry

    Massacre at fort William Henry
    Massacre at fort William Henry
    The Indians (tribe called Montcalm) and the colonist had an agreement but the Indians broke it. The Indians broke the terms of the agreement by attacking the fort and killing most the colonist and taking the woman and children as prisoners. It was a manicure because about 1400 people died in it and most of it was the English colonists.
  • Louisbourg and Ft. Duquesne captured by British

    Louisbourg and Ft. Duquesne captured by British
    The British try to take a French base called the Duquesne. It took the British a wile to take over the base successfully as William Pitt wanted to take many men and attack the priminister disagreed to that idea. But in the end a French prisoner told them that the base only had about 200 people in it so then the British led an attack.
  • Battle of Quiberon Bay

    Battle of Quiberon Bay
    The battle was a Navy warfare as the French tried to take over Quiberon Bay from the British. The French failed and lost and the British sunk 6 ships. This battle made the British's navy rise making it more powerful.
  • Iroquois join British-American alliance.

    Iroquois join British-American alliance.
    Iroquois were a tribe of Natives who lived in the territory and to make it stop they decided to join the British side. This tribe was one of the biggest and powerful tribes in north America. British had gained a lot of troops that day.
  • British capture Havana, Manila from Spain

    British capture Havana, Manila from Spain
    Spain joined the war as a French ally. Spain is quickly defeated threw naval warfare by the British and has to give up Havana from losing. Also the French stops navel warfare quickly after Spain defeat.
  • Treaty of paris

    Treaty of paris
    Its the end of the 7 year long war and French lost. In the treaty the French gives up all their land to the English people. Most of the land goes to Britain including Canada and most the states above the Mississippi river.