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French and Indian War Timeline

By DJ F.
  • Period: to

    Timespan: 1754-1763

  • Washington tries to drive out the French.

    Washington tries to drive out the French.
    The previous year, Washington and a small group of men headed into Ohio territory asking that French troops leave the territory; however, the French refused.
    So, in the next year, Washington decided to capture the area around the Ohio River where to forks of the river are, but discovers to find French troops there.
    Thus, they decided to attack the French troops.
  • Building Fort Necessity.

    Building Fort Necessity.
    Washington's choice was an unwise choice; the French had a lot more power and forces supporting them than Washington's forces.
    Being forced to retreat, Washington builds Fort Necessity as a base to keep an eye on the French and their allies, and also as a base of defenses and strategic maneuvers.
    On July 3, 1754, the base is overwhelmed by French forces and Natives, and Washington and his troops are allowed safe passage to escape, but they aren't allowed to build another fort for a year.
  • The Massacre of Fort William Henry.

    The Massacre of Fort William Henry.
    One of the French army's most notorious victories is The Battle of Fort William Henry, also known as The Massacre of Fort William Henry.
    The French and their Native allies overwhelmed the forces of the fort.
    Even though the people in the fort fought bravely, they were all killed, and the fort was taken over, which lead to the battle being called The Massacre of Fort William Henry.
  • The French and the English declare war.

    The French and the English declare war.
    There was undeclared war for 1 and a half years. The French had defeated the troops of George Washington, Gen. Edward Braddock, and the successor of Braddock, Gov. William Shirley of Massachusetts.
    Then the French and the English decided to declare war on each other.
    So, on May of 1756, the French and the English declared war on each other.
  • The French start out strong.

    The French start out strong.
    The French had good fortune on their side for the first 3 years of the war.
    They had a huge army, which helped make it easier to defeat enemies and conquer.
    They had won some considerable victories, like The Battle of Fort Oswego, or The Battle of Fort Ticonderoga. The picture is what is supposed to be a picture of The Battle of Fort Ticonderoga.
  • William Pitt becomes a leader.

    William Pitt becomes a leader.
    In 1757, a there was a new leader.
    William Pitt, now leader, understands the colonists concerns. He especially understood about the unbalanced cost the colonists were facing.
    He gave them an offer; if the colonies showed loyalty and their military cooperated, Great Britain would reimburse the colonies for their costs.
    Because of this, he increases the colonies moral.
  • The Battle of Louisbourg

    The Battle of Louisbourg
    This battle happened in 1758, when British forces attacked immediately upon landing on the North East Harbour, near what is present day Louisbourg, Nova Scotia.
    This shocked the French, who then abandoned the Royal Battery, which most of the armaments were still functional.
    The British used this and fired upon the fort located at the area, which helped the British win the battle.
  • The Battle of Fort Frontenac

    The Battle of Fort Frontenac
    This battle lasted from Aug 26 - Aug 28, 1758.
    The British had attacked this Fort, and the French inside were greatly outnumbered.
    They eventually had to surrender, which meant victory for the British and the British gaining an advantageous position.
  • The Battle of Quebec

    The Battle of Quebec
    This battle was the pivotal battle of the French and Indian War.
    Major General James Wolfe lead British forces as they attacked the French-Canadian stronghold, achieving victory. This caused the French to join the Spanish and fight against the British for other territories.
    All of this fighting stopped in 1763.
  • The Treaty of Paris.

    The Treaty of Paris.
    This was what ended the French and Indian War. It was signed in February 10, 1763.
    What happened was that the French lost its Canadian possessions, its empire in India, and other territories as well.
    However, since a lot of money was borrowed from lots of banks, there was a lot of paying needed, so the British had to tax the colonies, which eventually lead to the Revolutionary War.