George Washington
George Washington is called upon by Virginias govenor to send a message/request to the French who were at the Ohio River Valley. At the time George Washington was only 21 years old which is fairly young. The request to the French was to ask if they could move their army and forts so the British could move in. http://daybyday.gwpapers.org/sites/daybyday.gwpapers.org/files/Washington%20Col%20VaMilitia.jpg -
Fort Oswego
Fort Oswego is a fort that the British had controlled untill 1756. in the August of 1756 General Montcalm had decided to attack the fort. The French had won the battle and Fort Oswego was taken down. Montcalm had around 360 Native Americans and French soldiers. While Fort Oswego only had around 60 to 70 defenders, so it was clear who had won... The French. -
The Massacre at Fort William Henry
In the August of 1757, General Daniel Web had just gained vital information that the French were planning an assault on Fort William Henry with many men. The French general, General Montcalm had an army with approximately 7000 men! Gen. Webb only had 1600 that could still fight, so the odds werent great, so he fled from the battle and let his Lieutenant Colonel, Munro rule the army. And as one could imagine, the British had lost another fort. -
The Battle at Fort Duquesne
Fort Duquesne in mid-construction by the British when the French took it over. They finished it up and named it Fort Duquesne in 1754. Later in 1758 the British won it back with pride, although there were many loses on both sides. http://www.brooklineconnection.com/history/Facts/images/FtDuquesne1.JPG -
The Battle at Quebec
In 1757 Great Britain had a brand new secretary of state, William Pitt. sent an abundant amount of troops, money, and supplies to help the British out. Then in September a soldier had found a route to the fort, so the British had attacked. it was all or nothing. The British ended up winning but General James Wolfe, and General Montcalm both died. It was a shocking win with many losses. http://cdn.history.com/sites/2/2013/12/battle-of-quebec-1759-hero-H.jpeg -
The Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian war. The Treaty of Paris was held in Paris and the French had surrendered all the land in North America to the British. So in the end the British had won.