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French and Indian War Timeline

By kaileyk
  • Sir. William Johnson

    Sir. William Johnson
    Sir William Johnson was a good man to Indians and colonists. He was a trader from colonisits to Indians to British. He also married a Mohawk.
  • General George Washington

    General George Washington
    He was a Britsh General who took to Britsh and Indian fighting ways and was the winner of most battles after that. But was defeated in Fort Necessity because of weak skills.
  • Victory over a French explaration party

    Victory over a French explaration party
    Washington leads 150 Virginians to victory over a French evploration party.
  • Washington defeats French

    Washington defeats French
    Lt. Colonel George Washington, having returned to the Ohio Valley with a regiment of Virginia provincial troops, defeats a French force near the Great Meadows. After the battle, Washington's Indian allies, led by the Seneca chief Tanaghrisson, attack the French captives, killing the French commander and scalping the wounded.
  • Franklins plan of the union

    Franklins plan of the union
    Albany Congress approves Franklins plan of the Union -- but not colonies accept it.
  • Fort Necessity

    Fort Necessity
    The Battle of Fort Necessity, or the Battle of the Great Meadows took place on July 3, 1754. The engagement was one of the first battles of the French and Indian War and George Washington's only military surrender.
  • Battle of the Wilderness

    Battle of the Wilderness
    British General Edward Braddock is mortally wounded and his force of British regulars and provincial troops is defeated at the Battle of the Wilderness, also known as the Battle of the Monongahela.
  • Lake George

    Lake George
    Johnson and Hendrick triumph at Lake George
  • Refused loyalty to the British

    Refused loyalty to the British
    6000 Acadians are expelled from Nova Scottia after refusing to swear loyalty to British.
  • Declaration of war

    Declaration of war
    Great Britain declares war on France. France declares war on Great Britain.
  • Fort William Henry

    Fort William Henry
    French General Montcalm forces the surrender of the British garrison at Fort William Henry after a six-day siege. Despite being guaranteed safe passage by Montcalm, British troops and civilians are attacked as they abandon the fort by France's Indian allies. More than 150 are killed and 500 are taken captive to be held for ransom.
  • Fort Dequesne

    Fort Dequesne
    The French abandon and destroy Fort Duquesne. The French commander realizes that the fort will be overrun by Brigadier General John Forbes's force of 5,000 men—especially after the Ohio Indians, France's former allies, conclude a peace treaty with the British at Easton.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    Took place in Quebec City, Canada this event was important because the British won against the French. This city allowed the British to block off all French supplies to North America be controlling the Saint Laurence River.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris is ratified, ending the French and Indian War. Signed on 3 November 1762, the treaty's ratification has been delayed by critics, including William Pitt, who believe its terms are too lenient. In the treaty, France surrenders all of its former North American territories east of the Mississippi River to Britain, except New Orleans. Canada is also ceded to Great Britain. Spain, a late entrant into the war as an ally of France, surrenders Florida to Britain. As compensation, Brit