Revolutionary War Time Line

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    French and Indian war

    France and Great Britain were fighting in North America for control of the Ohio River Valley. war lasted for over 9 years and was incredibly expensive. Great Britain taxed the colonists heavily to pay off the debt. this led to the first major disagreement between the colonists and the crown.
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    Quartering Act

    the Quartering Act dealt with the deposition of armed British soldiers in the colonies. It specified on the conditions for lodging soldiers in all of the colonial North America. The Quartering Act in 1776 was not the first one that British had, but with an empire that stretched all around the world, they needed troops in all countries all around the world.
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    Stamp Act

    this act was to help pay the British troops stationed in the colonies during the Seven Years' War. the act had made the colonists pay taxes, it was a tax to help pay for the debt that the troops went into. The colonial legislators never approved it and was payable in hard-to-obtain British sterling, other than in colonial currency. Those accused of violating the Stamp Act could be in Vice-Admiralty Courts but had no juries so they could be held anywhere in the British empire.
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    Townshend Act

    This was a time when they needed help paying the expenses that involved governing the American colonies. This had them pay taxes on things like glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea. It was named this because the American colonists named it after Charles Townshend who had sponsored them at the time. The Suspending Act was an act that prohibited the New York assembly from continuing any further. The second one is Townshend Act, the third was very strict with machinery. The fourth is Indemnity Act.
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    Boston Massacre

    During this time there was a lot of bloodshed at the end of this Massacre. More than 2,000 soldiers filled the streets and the City of 16,000 colonists trying to enforce the new laws with the new tax rules. A group of soldiers and colonists, while they were trying to calm the situation a gun was fired which was what caused the started of the whole Massacre with many injured or dead, 5 were shot dead.
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    Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The two people involved were the British Army and Massachusetts. The British Troops marched down to Lexington to find themselves facing 70 men led by Captian John Parker. The British Soldiers shot fire of their guns which left some dead and some wounded. They arrived in Concord at 8:00 am, and the British and the colonist fired their guns causing most of the men from Massachusetts to die. The British Army continued to ambush them. at the end of the shooting the British won.
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    Battle of Bunker Hill

    the American and the British fought in this war, in this war the Americans could hold their own against the British army even though they were defeated. This was a fight to free African-American slaves and the others who were enslaved as well, the Americans helped and joined and helped the other colonies that were getting attacked by the British army's but the American had lost but still had a good fight.
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    Declaration of Independence

    George the 3rd was the ruler, he was the one who made the Declaration of Independence because of the things that he put his subjects, or people into. George made his subjects or the people of Britain had to be put under harsh strict laws with paying taxes and living in poor conditions, he transported them. He abdicated the government for his protection and waged the war against the colonists.