French and Indian war

  • George Washington creating Ft. Necessity

    George Washington creating Ft. Necessity
    Washington was sent to make sure France evacuated. But when France refused, Washington led a sneak attack on the French. It's called Fort Necessity because the structure protects all the supplies.
  • British defeated at Ft. Duquesne

     British defeated at Ft. Duquesne
    The French and Native Americans defeated Braddock's force, and then they hurt the British general. The French took control of Ohio valley. The French destroyed Fort Duquesne.
  • William Pitt leading the British

    William Pitt leading the British
    William Pitts plan was to take Montreal and the rest of Canada. He was a leader from 1756 to 1761. He was holding the official title of Lord Privy Seal.
  • French take Ft. Oswego

    French take Ft. Oswego
    The French won the war at Fort Oswego, which made the Indian tribes believe that the British were going to loose the conflict. They took this Fort over because it was one of the best ones to take over. It would give the French power over some other countries.
  • Massacre at FT William Henry

    Massacre at FT William Henry
    The massacre was when the British soldiers were getting killed by the Indians, then they took prisoners to Canada. It was called a massacre because it was an attempt to get trophies and honor. About 185 to 190 British soldiers were killed.
  • American colonists refuse to serve under British commander.

    American colonists refuse to serve under British commander.
    The British made a decision to make them buy stamps without them knowing they thought they should of been told about it. They got mad about it because they wanted to decide if they would be taxed or not. They colonists didn't think they should have to pay taxes because they were sent to England, and they didn't go there by their own colonial government.
  • Louisbourg and Ft. Duquesne captured by British

    Louisbourg and Ft. Duquesne captured by British
    To capture the Fort William Pitt sent General John Forbes along with 6,00 troops to capture it. The reason it was a big deal to the British is because it opened the St. Lawrence River and the water route to Canada. George Washington led 300 Virginians to get the Force to leave the site.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    Colonel Benedict Arnold and General Richard Montgomery tried to capture the city of Quebec. If they won it would support the American cause in Canada. The attempt didn't work and Montgomery lost his life.
  • French surrender Montreal

    French surrender Montreal
    There were over 18,000 men that had invaded Canada by the waterways. Murray's army and his men went up the St. Lawrence river and to the Richelieu River. The French regiments went up to the Place d'Armes, to avoid another blood bath.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris is what ended the French and Indian war. When France gave up all it's territories, the British then we no longer threatened. The Treaty of Paris was the British Crown that recognized American Independence. It made it so that both nations could have access to the river.