French And Indian War

  • Battle At Fort Necessity

    Washington's troops were wounded, captured or killed, leading to his surrender giving France the win. This began the French And Indian War.
  • Period: to

    French And Indian War

  • Battle At Fort Beausejour

    2,000 British soldiers sieged the fort against 162 French soldiers. Even after the French withstanding this for 13 days straight, the British finally took over Fort Beausejour and controlled many places around it. Some of these include Isthmus of Chignecto, Nova Scotia, and the rest of North America.
  • Battle At Lake George

    After the French And Indian forces attacked citizens of Connecticut and Massachusetts, the British and Mohawk Indians strike back with a small amount of soldiers. This was considered the first important victory over the French.
  • Battle At Fort Ticonderoga

    16,000 British soldiers lined up at the fort ready to take it over against 3,200 French soldiers. Even after having to retreat from a loss of 2,000 soldiers, the British took over the fort and changed it's name from Fort Carillon to Fort Ticonderoga.
  • Battle At Fort Frontenac

    The British sieged Fort Frontenac very quickly since the French were outnumbered by a large amount. This was a very important and tactical victory for the British as they now cut off a communication and supply line which connected Montreal and Quebec City and gained approximately 80,000 pounds of supplies from this win.
  • Battle Of Quebec

    James Wolfe and 4,400 soldiers charge into Quebec (Plains Of Abraham) fighting the French. Many French soldiers were forced to retreat and as a result of this the British captured Quebec City sealing another important victory for the British. Unlike other battles, this one was key to the British winning this war as it was the turning point.
  • Battle Of Montreal

    The British had taken Montreal City and besieged it against 2,100 soldiers compared to 18,000. This ended the war with the British winning, giving Great Britain all land claimed by France and Spain.