U.S History Timeline

  • The End Of The French And Indian War

    The Treaty of Paris Ended The French And Indian War
  • Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act was an act that lowered tax on molasses and allowed officials to take goods without going to court.
  • Stamp Act

    A law passed that required for colonists to pay tax of paper and other printed goods.
  • Townshend Acts

    A law passed that taxed all imported goods (specifically targeting tea, glass, and paper)
  • Boston Massacre

    An event in which people provoked redcoats into firing on the people after starting a huge riot.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was an event lead by The Sons of Liberty where they dressed in stereotypical native clothing and dumped a load of tea into the Boston Harbor in the middle of the night.
  • New England Delegates meet

    Delegates meet in Philadelphia to build a party to challenge the British Control.
  • Attack on Fort Ticonderoga

    The Green Mountain Boys (a group of New England colonists) attack and successfully conquered British Fort Ticonderoga
  • Writing Of The Declaration Of Independance

    Jefferson wrote The Declaration of Independence for the colonies to become independent.
  • Manumission

    The Manumission was the establishment of importing most slaves and later another law was passed that abolished slavery.
  • Battle of Trenton and New Jersey

    The battle of Trenton and New Jersey took place in December of 1776, it was an American victory.
  • States Make Constitutions

    Lasted until 1778 where each of the states came up with their own constitutions. Two used their charters and most finished theirs within the year, however, I think maybe 3 finished theirs in 1778
  • Battle Of Saratoga

    The battle of Saratoga was a battle fought at, well, Saratoga and was a huge victory for the Americans at the time.
  • Howe Captures Philadelphia

    General Howe captured Philadelphia from the Americans in 1777 after George Washington lost the battles of Brandywine and The Battle of The Clouds.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Ratified by the thirteen colonies and became their constitution at the time.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Started Dec. 19, 1777 and ended in June 19, 1778 and when they were they they were put under terrible conditions with little to no food, shelter, and protection all through winter.
  • Prohibition Of Slaves Entering The States

    Congress stopped allowing new slaves to be brought into the colonies, however the slaves there already were not freed.
  • Spain Declares War on Britain

    Spain declared war on Great Britain, creating an alliance with the American's, however King Charles III refused to sign a treaty with the Americans.
  • John Paul Jones and Serapis

    The American Navy had taken down a British ship. Serapis, ran by John Paul Jones, took down British navel ship Bonne Homme Richard.
  • British Capture Charles Town

    Well, there's not much else to say, The British captures Charles Town
  • Plans For First Federal Tax

    Plans for the first federal tax were planned by Robert Morris
  • British Surrender at Yorktown

    They surrendered because they lacked resources.
  • Treaty of Paris

    They Treaty of Paris was a treaty between the British and the United States. The USA ratified on Sep. 3, 1783 and King George III ratified it on April 9th, 1784
  • Spain Closes Mississippi For American Settlers

    The Mississippi river was the Western Boarder of America and when Spain refused to let Americans travel freely on it they were outraged and threatened war
  • The Ordinance of 1785

    It was an act that helped distribute the unclaimed land in the west.
  • Constitutional Convention

    A meeting of the delegates to decide how America's government was going to be ran.
  • The Northwest Ordinance

    Provided a method for admitting the new stats in the North West.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    A rebellion brought up in Massachusetts about America's crippling debt.
  • Signing of The Constitution

    All of the delegates signed and ratified the constitution
  • Delaware first to ratify Constitution

    Delaware is the first to agree to the constitution.
  • New Hampshire Ratifies The Constitution

    New Hampshire was the 9th state to ratify the constitution, this aborted The Articles of Confederation.
  • Land Act of 1800

    An act that allowed settlers to buy land from the federal government for a minimum of 320 acres for two dollars