Battle at Monongahels
The battle of Monongahela's is also known Battle of Braddock. The field where they fought was 10 miles east of Pittsburgh. There where around 1500 french soldiers and somewhere in between 300 to 600 Indians. http://66.media.tumblr.com/9a0f31c4960a14bdc17e1c0d63a1c8f4/tumblr_ni59avvrK41s57vgxo1_1280.jpg -
Battle of Fort Oswego
During this week 3,000 troops under the command of General Montclam caught and secured multiple fort Oswego -
Battle of Quiberon Bay
The battle of Quiberon Bay was fought during the seven year war. Between Royal navy and French navy. -
Battle of Quebec
There were major generals in that battle, James Wolfe against Mariquios de Montclam. The British army besieging Quebec had around 8,000 troops. Mariquios de Montclam had around 5,000 men and 3 guns. http://cdn.history.com/sites/2/2013/12/battle-of-quebec-1759-hero-H.jpeg -
The surrender of montreal
Almost a year to the day after the french troops were defeated on the plains of Abraham. -
The treaty of Paris
The treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War. Also known as the treaty of 1763.