Jumonville Skirmish
This was Washington's first combat and he defeated the reconnaissance party. Washington killed 10 men and took a total of 21 prisoners, which included French commander Coulon de Jumonville. -
Battle of fort Necessity
This was one of the first battles in the major war and Washington had to surrender his army, which was the only time he did. The French took over Washington at his fort and they had to surrender. -
Battle of Monongahela
Braddock and his men wanted to clear a path for the future British Army to pass through here. The French then attacked this path way to negate the British from easy passage to their destinations. Braddock and his men had to retreat and on the retreat Braddock was struck by a bullet in his lung, so Washington had to finish the retreat. -
Fort Oswego Captured
The French had many series of victories during this entire week. The French assembled 9 cannons and used them in the morning to take over fort Oswego. The British surrendered when they lost their leader from the cannon fire by the French. -
Fort William Henry captured
This was a battle between the French, Indians, and British. The French and Indians defeated the British, so they had to surrender. -
General Forbes Campaign
In 1758 the British sent a small army squadron to take over fort Duquesne, this attack was led by Washington. -
Fortress LouisBourg Captured
The British fleet showed up in Gabarus Bay and quickly set up for an immediate attack against the French in LouisBourg. There was 3 points in the British army to siege the fort and each point was lead by a general. -
Fort Frontenac Captured
The location of the battle was Fort Frontenac, a French fort and trading post. This fort was captured by the British. -
Treaty of Easton
The British colonials signed a peace treaty between the chiefs of the native american tribes, to hopefully resolve conflicts between the colonials and the tribes. -
Fort Duquesne Destroyed
The British with new revenue for the war deploy about 6,000 troops to raid the French Fort. John Forbes was the General. They attacked the Ohio River Valley to clear an invasion for Canada. They sent a small portion of troops and the French stood their ground. But then in 26 November 1758 the French burned Fort Duquesne. -
Fort Niagara Captured
This was a later battle when the British attempted to take control of Fort Niagara to remove French control in the Ohio valley and great lakes region. -
Battle of fort Ticonderoga (F/I)
British attacked the fort but instead of raiding they attempted to blow it up. The British were unable to blow it up, so they seized and controlled the fort. -
Gen. Montcalm and Quebec
Montcalm was fatally wounded and died the next day during the Battle of Quebec. He was a French General and he got killed in a losing effort in the battle. -
Battle of Quebec
The British and French fought in the cliffs of Quebec. British General James Wolfe led his army to a dramatic victory over Joseph Montcalm and the French. Wolfe was fatally wounded but the victory assured British supremacy in Canada. -
Montreal was the last remaining center power in Canada that the French held, after the fall of Quebec. The city was surrounded and given up by the French on the 8th of September in 1760. -
Treaty of paris
This was a treaty that ended the 7 years war and the French gave up their land in North America, so the British didn't need military support there. -
Battle of Bushy Run
The battle of Bushy Run was fought on August 5-6 1763, on the west side of Pennsylvania. This battle was very important and was a critical turning point for the British because it allowed more expansion into the west. -
Proclamation of 1763
At the end of the French and Indian War, the British issued a proclamation,mainly intended to conciliate the Indians by checking the encroachment of settlers on their lands. In the centuries since the proclamation, it has become one of the cornerstones of Native American law in the United States and Canada. -
Pontiac’s war
This was when the Native Americans rebelled in the Great Lakes region. The Indians were upset how they were treated and how the British entranced into their land. This rebellion lasted three years. It started on May of 1763. They took over forts and fought for each other. On July 25 1766 Pontiac himself signed a peace treaty to end the conflict.