French and Indian War

  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    Benjamin Franklin wants the 13 colonies to come together and form a union. It did not pass but it was the first time anyone brought that up.
  • Fort Necessitty

    Fort Necessitty
    Fort Necessity marked the unofficial start of the battle. The French tried taking over the fort and George Washington had to surrender, because it started raining. His fort was built on low land so it fooded getting his amo wet.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

  • Bradock defeated

    Bradock tries to overtake Fort Duquese. He goes in and tries to fight Europen style but that caused hi to loose.
  • War oficially begins

    The war begins as Great Britain declares war on France expanding the North American conflict to Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.
  • Massacre at Fort William Henry

    The fall of Fort William Henry and the ensuing "massacre" of the surrendered English on August 8, 1757 is one of the most famous incidents in American history.
  • Battle of Quebec

    This battle decided who gained control of the Ohio River Valley. James Wolfe dies and the British won.
  • King Geroge III

    King George III became the king of England. He isn't very smart and pretty stuborn. He eventually created taxes causing tension between England and the colonies.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion starts

    Pontiac's Rebellion starts
    The Native Americans uprise against the British just after the end of the French and Indian War, called after one of its leaders, Pontiac. They wanted the Americans off their land.
  • War Ends

  • Proclomation of 1763

    Proclomation of 1763
    A proclomation line was signed to keep the Americans from going past the Appalachian mountains. Many people protested against it.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion ends

    Pontiac's Rebellion ends
    King George III wanted to end Pontiac's rebellion so he issued a proclamation that gave all the land west of the Appalachian Mountains to the Indians.