Fort Necessity
Washington builds the small fort on low ground and was battling the french intil it started to rain and had to surender and unoffical start of the war. -
Period: to
French and Indian War
Albany Plan of Union
Lead by Ben Franklin and his idea was that all the coloinels should unify. -
Braddock and his english and colonial forces are deafeated by french and indians at fort duquesne
Johnson and Hendrick triumph at Lake George
6,000 Acadians are expelled from Nova Scotia
The Acadians are sent to live in the British coloinels. -
The English declar war on the French on Europe
William Pitt becomes foreign master
He began adapting war strategoes to fit the territory and landscape of america -
massacure at fort William Henry
A British fort that was built at the end of Lake George that later got taken by Indians and French soldiers. -
General Jeffrey Amherst captures Louisbourg
The tide turns for England
Britian captures the city of Qubec
Genral Wolfe and Montcalm are killed -
spanish become an ally of France
Treaty of Paris
Ponticas rebelion