French And Indian War

  • Fort Necessity

    Fort Necessity
    Ensign de Jumonville and a third of his escort is killed by a British patrol led by George Washington. The French and Indians defeat the British at Fort Necessity. Then Washington Surrendors After losing
  • Period: to


  • British defeated at fort Duquesne

    British defeated at fort Duquesne
    General Braddocks force of 1450 men were surrounded and killed bye French Forces
  • General Braddock Arriving America

    General Braddock Arriving America
    General Braddock was a British soldier and commander-in-chief for North America during the actions at the start of the French and Indian War. He is generally best remembered for his command of a disastrous expedition against the French in 1755, in which he lost his life.
  • French take Fort Oswego

    French take Fort Oswego
    French commander Montcalm takes fort. He is terribly horrified to discover that his Indian allies has killed wounded soldiers, took the scalps, and made all the slaves of captive.
  • American colonists refuse to serve under British commander

    American colonists refuse to serve under British commander
    The new British commander, closley managed the war effort. They were dammanding the exact amount of recruits and money to the colonies. Then they refuse to cooperate
  • Massacre at Fort William Henry

    Massacre at Fort William Henry
    The following Soldiers surrender to British and colonial garrison to Montcalm (who promised safe passage back to England), Indians killed 185 and took 310 British captive.
  • Louisbourg and Fort Duquesne captured by British

    Louisbourg and Fort Duquesne captured by British
    British-American-Indian forces overwhelm French who abandon Louisbourg and burn Fort Duquesne before retreating north.
  • Battle of Quiberon Bay

    Battle of Quiberon Bay
    British victory restricted French navy's ability to resupply forces in Canada.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    The British commander General Wolfe was killed along with French commander Montcalm, British forces sieze Quebec in dramatic uphill attack.
  • French surrender Montreal

    French surrender Montreal
    Greatly outnumbered French forces are defeated in the war's final battle in America
  • British capture Havana, Manila from Spain

    British capture Havana, Manila from Spain
    As Spain enters the war as a French ally it gets defeated from British naval forces.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    France gives up to all of its North American possessions. All land west of the Mississippi and New Orleans goes to Spain. All land east of the Mississippi River and Canda goes to England.