
French and Indain War

By reneefr
  • Sir William Johnson

    Sir William Johnson
    Sir William Johnson was a good man to Indians and colonisit. He was a trader from colonisits to Indians to British. He married a Mohawk as well.
  • General George Washington

    General George Washington
    He was Britsh General who took to Britsh and Indian fighting ways and was the winner of most battles after that. But was defeated in Fort Necessity because of weak skills.
  • Fort Necessity

    Fort Necessity
    Fort Necessity was built so that the British coud win against the French. But the Fremch did over hill attacked and the French was forced to surrender.
  • Lake George

    Lake George
    Johnson lead 1500 Brithish and 200 monwak .
  • Acadians are expelled

    Acadians are expelled
    Acadians are expelled from in Europe, where the war is called the seven years' war because it lasted 7 years.
  • Fort William Henry

    Fort William Henry
    Britsh surrender to the French. Date Aug. 3-9
  • Death of Commandar Wofle

    Death of Commandar Wofle
    Commandar Wofle died when the British sieze Quebec in dramatic uphill attack.
  • Commadar Montcalm death

    Commadar Montcalm death
    Commadar Montcalm died by the end of the Qubec War.
  • Fort Niagara

    Fort Niagara
    Johnson's English soldiers and Iroquois Indians captired Fort Niagara Date: 6-26
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    The battle of Quebec took placxe in Quebec City in Canada. This was important because the British won aganist the French also, they blocked off all the supplies to the North America controling by St. Lawerance.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Treaty of Paris ends French and Indain war.