French an Indian War Timeline

  • British Defeated at Ft. Duquesne

    British Defeated at Ft. Duquesne
    A force of 1450 men from Gen. Braddock's had surrounded and got defeated by the Indian and French-Canadian forces. The French had retained the control of the Ohio Valley in the wake of the peoples victory. The battle of Monongahela or has been remembers as Braddock's defeat, had ended in a shocking loss for the British Army and then began a global war.
  • French take Ft. Oswego

    French take Ft. Oswego
    The French commander Montcalm takes the fort. He was horrified when he figured out that Indian soldiers get killed if they are wounded. They also take scalps, and make slaves of captives.
  • Massacre at Ft. William Henry

    Massacre at Ft. William Henry
    About 10,000 French soldiers and Indians and they enhanced from south Fort Carillon and laid siege to Fort William Henry. some people not understanding and some betraying. That led to fort defenders getting murdered and some surrendering.
  • American colonists refuse to serve under British commander

    American colonists refuse to serve under British commander
    The new British commander (Lord Loudoun) closely managed the war effort. He was demanding the exact numbers and the money from colonies. The Colonial assemblies started to refuse to cooperate.
  • Louisbourg and Ft. Duquesne captured by British

    Louisbourg and Ft. Duquesne captured by British
    British-American-Indian forces were overwhelming French that abandoned the colony of Louisbourg. This burned Ft. Duquesne before they started retreating to the North.General John Forbes had advanced his force of 6000 men towards the fort and also including 2000 Virginian militiamen were under the command of Washington.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    The British commander Gen. Wolfe and French commander Montcalm was killed. The British forces had seized Quebec in dramatic uphill attack. The Battle of Quebec led to the control of Canada, the indirection of the American Revolution, and the creation of the United States.
  • Battle of Quiberon Bay

    Battle of Quiberon Bay
    When the British won the battle it caused the French's Navy ability to resupply the forces in Canada. The Battle of Quiberon Bay was the Culmination of British efforts by which eliminating French navel superiority. What was becoming known as the Seven Years' war had broke out all over Europe, pitching France, Austria, and Russia against British, and Prussia.
  • French surrender Montreal

    French surrender Montreal
    The French forces were greatly outnumbered and they are defeated in Wars final battle in the Americas. 2200 people surrendered and 1000 got sick or went missing. it was the British ships that arrived to relieve the garrison and it led to Levis breaking off the siege and surrendering.
  • British capture Havana, Manila from Spain

    British capture Havana, Manila from Spain
    Spain suffers defeats from British naval forces when they entered the Wars as a French Ally. The British troops numbered 12,500 people. Havana was on the North-west coast of Spanish Cuba and it was one of the primary ports in the Spanish american colonies.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    French had given up all of their claims to the North American possessions. All of the land that was west of the Mississippi an New Orleans goes to Spain. And All the land that was east of Mississippi and Canada goes to England.